Migrating an slpr's resources – HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual
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Click Apply. The progress bar appears.
Migrating an SLPR's resources
You can migrate CLPRs and ports that are managed in an SLPR to another SLPR.
You cannot migrate CLPRs and ports to an SLPR belonging to a CU group other than the current SLPR.
You can migrate only Target ports to another SLPR. You cannot migrate Initiator, RCU Target, and External
A NAS port belonging to the same channel adapter must belong to the same SLPR. For more information, see the
HP StorageWorks LUN Configuration and Security Manager XP user guide for the XP12000/XP10000/SVS200.
Confirm the current CU group in the drop-down list for CU groups in the upper right of the XP
Remote Web Console pane.
To change the CU group, select the desired CU group from the drop-down list for CU groups
in the upper right of the XP Remote Web Console main pane. For more information about
CU groups, see the
HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console user guide for XP12000/XP10000/SVS200.
Select an SLPR from the tree. The SLPR resource list appears.
Right-click the CLPR or port you want to migrate, and select Cut.
You can select multiple CLPRs or ports.
To migrate NAS ports, select all ports in the same CHN (channel adapter for the NAS) and
the CLPRs containing LUN0000 and LUN0001 that belong to the NAS-Sys host group, and
migrate them at the same time.
XP Disk/Cache Partition user guide