3 network installation procedure – HP StorageWorks Scalable File Share User Manual

Page 23

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On another system, if it has not already been done, you must create and mount a Linux file
system on the thumb drive. After you insert the thumb drive into the USB port of the system,
examine the dmesg output on the system to determine the USB drive device name. The USB
drive name is the first unused alphabetical device name of the form /dev/sd[a-z]1. There
might be some /dev/sd* devices on your system already, some of which may map to MSA2000
drives. In the examples below, the device name is /dev/sda1, but on many systems it can be

or it might use some other letter. Also, the device name cannot be the same on the

system you use to copy the Kickstart file to and the target system to be installed.

# mke2fs /dev/sda1

# mkdir /media/usbdisk

# mount /dev/sda1 /media/usbdisk

Next, copy the modified Kickstart file to the thumb drive and unmount it. For example:

# cp sfsg3DVD.cfg /media/usbdisk

# umount /media/usbdisk

The installation is started with the RHEL5U2 DVD and thumb drive inserted into the target
system. In that case, the initial boot command is similar to:

boot: linux ks=hd:sda1:/sfsg3DVD.cfg


USB drives are not scanned before the installer attempts to read the Kickstart file, so

you are prompted with a message indicating that the Kickstart file cannot be found. If you are
sure that the device you provided is correct, press Enter, and the installation proceeds. If you
are not sure which device the drive is mounted on, press Ctrl+Alt+F4 to display USB mount
information. Press Ctrl+Alt+F1 to return to the Kickstart file name prompt. Enter the correct
device name, and press Enter to continue the installation.

Proceed as directed in

“DVD/NFS Kickstart Procedure” (page 22)

, inserting the HP SFS G3.0-0

DVD at the prompt and removing the thumb drive before the system reboots.

3.3.3 Network Installation Procedure

As an alternative to the DVD installation described above, some experienced users may choose
to install the software over a network connection. A complete description of this method is not
provided here, and should only be attempted by those familiar with the procedure. See your
specific Linux system documentation to complete the process.


The DL380 G5 servers must be set up to network boot for this installation option.

However, all subsequent reboots of the servers, including the reboot after the
script has completed (

“Installation Phase 2” (page 24)

) must be from the local disk.

In this case, you must obtain ISO image files for the RHEL5U2 and HP SFS G3.0-0 Software DVDs
and install them on an NFS server in their network. You must also edit the Kickstart template
file as described in

“Kickstart Template Editing” (page 20)

, but must instead use the network

installation Kickstart template file called sfsg3.cfg. This file has additional configuration
parameters to specify the network address of the installation server, the NFS directories, and
paths containing the RHEL5U2 and HP SFS G3.0-0 DVD ISO image files. This sfsg3.cfg file
can be found in the top-level directory of the HP SFS G3.0-0 DVD image, and also in /opt/hp/

on an installed system.

The following edits are required in addition to the edits described in

“Kickstart Template Editing”

(page 20)


## Template ADD nfs --server=%{nfs_server} --dir=%{nfs_iso_path}
## Template ADD mount %{nfs_server}:%{post_image_dir} /mnt/nfs
## Template ADD cp /mnt/nfs/%{post_image} /mnt/sysimage/tmp
## Template ADD losetup /dev/loop2 /mnt/sysimage/tmp/%{post_image}

3.3 Installation Phase 1