Uninstalling hp ilo cmdlets for windows powershell, Procedure 2 – HP Scripting Tools for Windows PowerShell User Manual
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Procedure 2
Click Start and select Run...
In the Run dialog enter the path and filename of the correct installer for your system, either
the 64-bit (HPiLOCmdlets-x64.msi) or the 32-bit (HPiLOCmdlets-x86.msi).
It might be necessary to change the execution policy for PowerShell. Use the following help
command to get more information to help you to decide what to select:
help about_Execution_Policies
Use the following command to see your current execution policy settings:
Get-ExecutionPolicy -list
You can use the following PowerShell command until you determine if it meets your needs:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Upgrading from a previous release is supported.
The installation will halt and not complete successfully if any of the following conditions are
Attempting to install the X86 package on a 64-bit operating system
Attempting to install without .NET 4.0 or above
Attempting to install without PowerShell 3.0 or above
Uninstalling HP iLO Cmdlets for Windows PowerShell
To uninstall the HP iLO Cmdlets for Windows PowerShell:
Open Windows Control Panel.
Select Programs and Features.
Select Hewlett-Packard iLO Cmdlets.
Click Uninstall.