HP Tower Uninterruptible Power System User Manual
Page 79

Index 79
HP technical support 66
input specifications 61
input voltage is out of range 58
installation instructions 13, 17, 26, 32, 35
installing the UPS 17, 32
internal UPS fault condition 59
Japanese notice 72
Korean notices 72
LEDs, testing 43
LEDs, troubleshooting 55
limited warranty 67
load protection guarantee 67
low battery shutdowns 60
maintenance 45
modes of operation 40, 57
modifications, FCC notice 70
nominal voltage, configuring 42
obtaining new batteries 47
On Battery LED, location 8
On Battery LED, troubleshooting 55
On button, location 8
On Bypass LED, troubleshooting 55
Operate mode 40
operating front panel controls 41
operations, UPS 40
optional items 65
ordering spares 64
output feature specifications 62
output specifications 61
output tolerance specifications 62
overload condition 59
Overload LED, location 8
Overload LED, troubleshooting 55
Overtemperature LED, location 8
Overtemperature LED, troubleshooting 55
overview, REPO port 11
phone numbers 66
physical specifications 61
power cord 74
power management 53
power protection specifications 62
powering down 44
preparation procedures 13
R/T3000 ERM 12
R/T3000 models 9
rack-to-tower conversion 32, 35
rear panel connectors 12
recommended duration of use 68
regulatory compliance identification numbers 69
regulatory compliance notices 69, 71, 73
replacing the batteries 45, 47
replacing the ERM 49
replacing the UPS 49
REPO condition 59
REPO port, overview 11
REPO port, specifications 63
REPO port, verifying connection 44
required information 66
required tools 13
Reset button, location 8
runtime specifications 63
selecting a site 14
series number 69
site requirements 14
site wiring condition 59
Site Wiring Fault LED, location 8
Site Wiring Fault LED, troubleshooting 55
spares 64
specifications 61
Standby mode 40
static electricity 75
storing batteries 46
support 66
supported hardware 65