HP LaserJet P2055dn User Manual

Page 173

background image

service error message 104
Service menu 15
service page 12
Services tab

Macintosh 33


driver presets (Macintosh) 30
drivers 23, 29
HP ToolboxFX 74
network printing 38
network report 12
priority 22, 28
restoring defaults 15
System Setup menu 13

Settings tab (embedded Web

server) 78

shipping lock error message 105
shipping product 142
shortcuts 63
SIMMs, incompatibility 85
sizes, media

default, setting 13

small paper, printing on 56

embedded Web server 26,


HP Web Jetadmin 26
settings 22, 28
software license

agreement 138

supported operating

systems 20, 28

uninstalling for Windows 24
uninstalling Macintosh 28

Solaris software 26

creases 122
curl 122
direct-connect problems 124
dropouts 119
gray background 120
light or faded print 119
loose toner 120
misformed characters 121
network problems 100
page skew 121
toner scatter outline 122
toner smear 120
toner specks 119
vertical lines 120

vertical repetitive defects 121
wave 122
wrinkles 122

special media

guidelines 49

special paper

guidelines 49


electrical and acoustic 146
features 3
operating environment 146
physical 146

Spool32 errors 126

alerts, HP ToolboxFX 72
Macintosh services tab 33
supplies, control panel

messages 10

supplies, printing report 12
viewing with HP

ToolboxFX 72

Status tab (embedded Web

server) 77

Status tab, HP ToolboxFX 72
stopping a print request 62

print cartridges 80

straight-through paper path

paper jams 116


authentication 80
counterfeit 80
non-HP 80
order message 105
ordering 76, 132
part numbers 133
recycling 149
replace message 105
replacement intervals 80
replacing print cartridges 80
shipping lock error

message 105

status page 12
status, control panel

messages 10

status, viewing with HP

ToolboxFX 72

supply-status, Services tab

Macintosh 33
Windows 66


Linux 129
online 66, 76, 102
repacking product 142

supported media 45
SupportPack, HP 143
System Setup menu 13
System Setup tab, HP

ToolboxFX 76



protocols supported 37
settings 16

technical support

Linux 129
online 102
repacking product 142

temperature specifications 146

loose toner 120
low 119
redistributing 82
scatter outline 122
smear 120
specks 119

toner cartridges. See print


top output bin

capacity 48
locating 5
paper jams 116
printing to 55


output bin 55

Tray 1

capacity 48
loading 51
paper jams 112
settings 13

Tray 2

capacity 48
loading 52
paper jams 113
settings 13

Tray 3

capacity 48
loading 52
paper jams 115
physical specifications 146


Index 161

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