HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual

Page 11

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LUN Security XP Extension user guide


• Logical volumes that do not exist
• Logical volumes configured as command devices
• NAS system volumes, which are also called system LUs
• NAS user volumes, which are also called user LUs
• Logical volumes expanded by the Just-in-Time function
• External LUs
• Flex Copy XP volumes
• Logical volumes to which paths are defined from iSCSI ports
• Logical volumes specified as Continuous Access XP
• Logical volumes specified as Continuous Access XP Journal or journal volumes
• Logical volumes specified as BC XP
• Logical volumes reserved for Volume Migration
• Logical volumes with VMA that are blocked
• Pool volumes
• Virtual volumes
• Snapshot XP P-VOL or S-VOL

Logical volumes you cannot set Volume Management Area (VMA):
• Logical volumes with emulation types other than OPEN-V
• Logical volumes configured as command devices
• NAS system volumes, which are also called system LUs
• NAS user volumes, which are also called user LUs
• Logical volumes expanded by the Just-in-Time function
• Logical volumes reserved for Volume Migration
• Logical volumes to which paths are set
• Logical volumes that are blocked
• Logical volumes whose capacities are not equal to the mapped external volumes’ capacity
• Flex Copy XP volumes where host I/O suppression is enabled
• Logical volumes specified as Continuous Access XP Journal or journal volumes
• Flex Copy XP S-VOL
• Logical volumes to be migrated by Volume Migration
• Pool volumes
• Virtual volumes
• Snapshot XP P-VOL or S-VOL

Difference between Administrators and StorageAdmins
In this guide, a user who manages the whole disk array is called an Administrator. When the disk

array’s resources are partitioned by XP Disk/Cache Partition, a group of the virtually divided resources

is called an SLPR. A user who manages the SLPR is called a StorageAdmin.
While the Administrator can set the access attribute for logical volumes in any CUs in the disk array,

the StorageAdmin can set the access attribute only for logical volumes in CUs in the SLPR the

StorageAdmin manages. Therefore, if you are a StorageAdmin, only the CUs in your SLPR are

displayed on the LUN Security XP Extension pane (see

Figure 4

). CUs in the SLPRs that other

StorageAdmins manage are not displayed.
For more information about SLPRs, see the HP StorageWorks XP Disk/Cache Partition User Guide.

LUN Manager: When you create a LUSE volume, you cannot combine logical volumes that do not have

the Read/Write attribute. You can assign an access attribute other than Read/Write to the resulting

LUSE volume.
You cannot release a LUSE volume that does not have the Read/Write attribute.

Volume Management: You cannot convert volumes that do not have the Read/Write attribute into

spaces. You cannot initialize custom volumes that do not have the Read/Write attribute.