Reading the performance gauges, Setting traffic monitoring thresholds – HP TopTools User Manual

Page 85

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Reading the Performance Gauges

The gauges display the network traffic information for the current minute. The colors on the gauges are:


Value for the attribute is within the normal range.


Value has exceeded the normal range, but is not critical.


Value is in the critical range. Corrective action may be needed.

Blue inner band

The "high water mark", which shows you the highest value for that segment in the last
hour. This indicator can help you determine if there are any transient or intermittent
problems for the segment, even though the current minute indicator shows normal

The amount of green, yellow and red displayed in each gauge corresponds to the threshold settings for that segment.
For example, if Segment A is a 10 Base-T segment, and the current Threshold settings for Utilization % are as


OK, 0-50% utilization


Warning, 51-75% utilization


Critical, 76-100% utilization

then the gauge for Utilization % for Segment A would display a green area up to 50%, a yellow area from 51% to
75%, and a red area from 76% to 100%. Click on the Thresholds button to set segment thresholds.

The number in the rectangular box below the gauge indicates the attribute value for the current minute.

Setting Traffic Monitoring Thresholds

When you click on Thresholds at the bottom of the Traffic Monitor page, a separate Thresholds browser window
appears. A set of default thresholds is provided for each network attribute and is specific to a segment and its type.
The values shown for the Ethernet tab are for a media speed of 10 Mbps. If your Ethernet is 100 Mbps or Gigabit, or
if the segments are trunked, the threshold values are adjusted automatically. The thresholds for other types are also
adjusted automatically when appropriate, if for example, the segments are trunked. This will not be visible in the
Thresholds window.

For example, if four ports on a switch are trunked, a 10 Mbps Ethernet segment would now be four times as fast, or
40 Mbps. The threshold values are adjusted automatically to be appropriate for this speed. You can still set the
threshold values for a specific segment by selecting that segment from the list in the Segments tab.