Managing the tftp server, Managing toptools services, Installing the toptools mmc snap-in – HP TopTools User Manual
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user guide
To use this feature, you must configure the Toptools server internet connection by accessing the Internet & E-mail
Settings dialog.
Managing the TFTP Server
To distribute software to HP networking products, a TFTP server is installed on the Toptools server. You may start
and stop this service as needed. To access this dialog, click the Settings button in the Navigation Panel and select
TFTP Server.
Managing Toptools Services
Toptools continuously monitors the network using its management processes: Polling, Discovery, and Alert
monitoring. During routine maintenance of the Toptools server, you may need to turn these processes off or view
their current status.
The Toptools Services page may be accessed through the following:
• By clicking the Settings button in the Navigation Panel and selecting Toptools Services.
• On the Toptools server by going into the Start > Programs > toptools menu and selecting services.
Installing the Toptools MMC Snap-In
With the release of Windows 2000, Toptools now supports a Microsoft Management Console snap-in for use by
administrators who want to work within MMC.
To install the MMC snap-in, go to the Windows 2000 station you wish to access Toptools from. Launch a Toptools
web browser console session and click the Settings button in the Navigation Panel. Select MMC Snap-In and follow
the directions provided on the page.