Managing non-hp products – HP TopTools User Manual
Page 16

user guide
charge on HP and non-HP systems.
If you want to use the System Performance Advisor to monitor performance on Windows systems, you will need to
install performance monitoring agents on the systems to be monitored. The installation of these agents does not need
to be done before you install Toptools. Refer to the online help topic "Performance Agent Deployment" for
additional information.
Note: The number of devices that you can monitor using the System Performance Advisor will vary depending on
the capabilities of the Toptools server and your network configuration. The performance agents utilize about 2% of
the CPU availability on a typical monitored Pentium-based system.
Other HP products such as HP-UX workstations and server and networked attached storage are also managed by
Toptools. For more information, refer to your product’s documentation.
Managing Non-hp products
Devices must be running agent software provided by their manufacturer (e.g. SNMP support enabled in Cisco
routers) or by another provider (e.g. Microsoft SNMP services installed on a non-HP server or the Intel LanDesk
client installed on a non-HP PC). In all cases, the agent technology must adhere to industry standard DMI, SNMP,
WMI, or HTTP. If a device supports more than one protocol, it will be managed using all protocols supported.
Toptools will attempt to collect and display information using whichever protocol is available. The table below
depicts what level of support is provided to devices supporting each of the listed protocols:
Toptools Services
DMI 2.0
Yes Yes Yes
Device Type
Device Type and OS
Device Type and OS
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Link to webagent
page (5)
Actions Toptools
Toptools generic plus
Power On (4)
Toptools generic
Toptools generic
(1) (2) (3)
No No No
‘Toptools generic’ refers to non-device specific actions such as Add to Custom Group, Delete, etc.
(1) SNMP traps sent to Toptools will appear with the system object identifier (a number string). Toptools provides a utility that
compiles proprietary SNMP MIBS to load trap definitions into Toptools. Once loaded, SNMP traps from non-HP devices
(such as Compaq servers) or SNMP trap forwarding applications (such as HP ManageX or Microsoft BackOffice) will be
recognized by Toptools and displayed with user friendly descriptions within the Alert Log. In addition, these alerts will be
handled by other Toptools services such as Actions on Alerts and the Most Frequent Alerts Report.
(2) Toptools uses the standard DMI 2.0 mechanism to ‘subscribe’ for DMI alerts. If you have a non-HP PC or server that has a
DMI agent and uses DMI to send alerts, Toptools will automatically receive and process alerts from the PC.
(3) WBEM alert handling has not yet been standardized by the DMTF. Therefore, WMI alert handling is supported for HP PCs
only. Other vendors like IBM may use another protocol (e.g. SNMP) to send alerts. In this case, the system would be
managed using both SNMP and WMI.
(4) Power On will work with systems that support standard Magic Packet technology.
If a device supports a webagent technology and another technology, such as WMI, Toptools will create a link to the
management home page (webagent) and will also generate generic Toptools property pages. Toptools automatically
discovers webagents (or web servers) listening on port 80 (Device Home Page) or ports 280, 411, 2301, or 6500
(Management Home Page). The management URL for a specific device may be manually set using the Device
Communication dialog.