HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual

Page 13

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Software Definitions for Dynamic Alias Management” (page 11)


“System Requirements”

(page 15)


Figure 4 Dynamic Compatible PAV

Considerations for Storage System Sharing Across Multiple Systems

A storage system that is installed with Compatible PAV can be shared across multiple sharing
systems, subject to the following considerations:

When Compatible PAV is used in static mode, any number of sharing systems can be

Each system will use Compatible PAV in static mode. All alias assignments to base addresses
will remain static and not change. Each sharing system can be a different sysplex or monoplex

When Compatible PAV is used in a Dynamic Alias Management mode, the following
considerations apply:

Only one sysplex should be running in Dynamic Alias Management mode. This sysplex
will control the alias movement across the storage system.

Other connected systems (or sysplexes) must be run with Dynamic Alias Management set
to NO or with WLMPAV=NO defined for all base and alias addresses on the shared
storage system.

Avoid sharing a storage system with Compatible PAV across multiple sysplexes when
each sysplex is running with Dynamic Alias Management set to YES. Doing so causes
increased unsynchronized alias transition movement in the storage system and may lead
to unpredictable response-time issues.

For further information, see IBM APAR OW39854 - Enterprise Storage Server with Parallel Access
Volume Feature

Considerations for Storage System Sharing Across Multiple Systems