HP Intelligent Infrastructure Analyzer Software Licenses User Manual
Page 35

Storage Management Initiative - Specification.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. A protocol used in TCP/IP networks for
sending and receiving emails.
SNIA’s Storage
Is a storage standard developed and maintained by the Storage Networking
Industry Association (SNIA). SMI-S defines CIM management profiles for
storage systems. The complete SMI Specification is categorized in profiles
and subprofiles. A profile describes the behavioral aspects of an
autonomous, self-contained management domain. SMI-S includes profiles
for Arrays, Switches, Storage Virtualizers, Volume Management and many
other domains.
Storage Area
A dedicated network that provides access to consolidated, block level data
storage. SANs are primarily used to make storage devices, such as disk
arrays, tape libraries, and optical jukeboxes, accessible to servers so that
the devices appear like locally attached devices to the operating system.
Storage array
A storage system consisting of one or more storage controllers and the disk
drives they manage.
An interconnection scheme that allows multiple servers and storage devices
to communicate. Arbitrated loop and switched fabric are examples of Fibre
Channel topologies.
World Wide Name. A unique Fibre Channel identifier consisting of a
16-character hexadecimal number. A WWN is required for each Fibre
Channel communication port.