HP XP Array Manager Software User Manual
Page 268

Select a storage system and click Refresh Storage System.
The configuration information displayed in the Storage Systems view subwindow is refreshed.
For details, see “
Viewing a list of storage systems
Click the following buttons in the lists of volumes (LUNs), pools, journals, or copy licenses to
refresh a specific portion of the configuration information:
• Refresh Pool Info (the pool status and pool volume usage are refreshed)
• Refresh JNLG Info (journal group statuses and journal volume usage are refreshed)
• Refresh License Info
In an open system, pool information and journal group information will sometimes fail to be refreshed
after a pair management server is restarted (Error code: RPM-01618).
If this problem occurs, first refresh the statuses of the copy pairs in copy groups that were created
using volumes in the target storage system, then refresh the pool or journal group information.
Related topics
• About refreshing configuration information
• Refreshing the copy pair status automatically for each information source
• Refreshing configuration information automatically (using the refresh settings)
Refreshing management information