HP StoreEver MSL Tape Libraries User Manual
Page 19

Figure 6 Example of the System Status pane from an extended library with an MSL8096 master Library
and MSL4048 lower Library
Updated — the day, date, and time of the most recent status view. This timestamp comes from
your computer and may be different from the Library time lower in the pane. Click your browser's
refresh button to update the system status.
Status of the Library and tape drives
The green Status Ok icon indicates that the device is fully operational and that no user intervention
is required.
The blue exclamation point Status Warning icon indicates that user intervention is necessary, but
that the device can still perform most operations.
The red X Status Error icon indicates that user intervention is required and that the device is not
capable of performing some operations.
Slots (Free/Total) — The number of free and total storage slots.
• Free is the number of empty storage slots.
• Total is the number of storage slots available to the host software, which does NOT include
reserved slots.
Mailslot — shows whether the mailslot is open, closed, or disabled.
Library Time — the date and time from the Library, which can be set from the OCP or RMI. The
Library Time is updated when the system status is refreshed. The time of the most recent refresh is
the Updated time at the top of the pane. If you call HP Service and are requested to provide the
Library time, refresh the system status with your browser refresh button and then give the service
engineer this Library Time.
Power Supply Status (MSL4048 and MSL8096)
• MSL4048 — Online — The power supply is installed.
• MSL8096 — Good — The power supply is functioning correctly.
HP StorageWorks MSL Library Extender user guide