Step 4 – HP XP LUN Configuration and Security Manager Software User Manual
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LUN Configuration and Security Manager XP user guide for the XP10000/XP12000
d. Click Set. The pane displays the selected custom volumes.
Figure 25
Install CV pane (1) for OPEN-V after clicking Set
e. To create other custom volumes, repeat
f. To delete a custom volume, select the custom volume, click Delete, and then click OK to the
confirmation message. To delete all custom volumes, click Clear, and then click OK. Go to
From the Install CV pane (1) for other than OPEN-V, do the following:
a. In the Emulation Type list, select the emulation type.
b. In the Capacity box, enter the capacity of the custom volume you want to create. Use MB or blocks
for open systems and cylinders (Cyl) for mainframe volumes. The available capacity range
(minimum - maximum) appears to the right of the Capacity box. The value can be increased
incrementally by one MB or block (open systems) or by one cylinder (mainframe systems).
The Install CV function allocates custom volumes in the order in which the function finds free space
sufficient enough to hold them. Allocate custom volumes in descending order of capacity for
optimum space allocation.