Ldev operation detail, Ldev status icons, Table 4 – HP XP20000XP24000 Disk Array User Manual
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An LDEV number that ends with a # indicates that the LDEV is an external volume
(for example, 00:00:01#). For details regarding external volumes, see HP StorageWorks
XP24000 External Storage Software User’s Guide.
An LDEV number that ends with a letter V indicates that the LDEV is a virtual volume
(V-VOL) for HP StorageWorks XP Snapshot (for example, 00:00:01V). For details regarding
V-VOLs, see HP StorageWorks XP24000 Snapshot User’s Guide.
: An LDEV number that ends with a letter X indicates that the LDEV is a virtual volume
(V-VOL) for HP StorageWorks XP Thin Provisioning Software (for example, 00:00:01 X).
For details regarding V-VOLs, see HP StorageWorks XP24000 Thin Provisioning Software
User’s Guide.
• Emulation - Emulation type. If the selected LDEV is a LUSE volume, the emulation type is
displayed with an asterisk and the number of volumes in the LUSE volume (for example,
• Capacity - LDEV capacity, displayed in either MB or GB, depending on which unit is selected
in the Capacity Unit box.
• RAID - RAID level of the LDEV.
Note: The RAID level is left unspecified with a hyphen (-) when the LDEV is an external LU
or virtual volume (V-VOL).
• PG - Parity group. If the LDEV extends over two or more parity groups, the PG column displays
the smaller parity group number.
A parity group number that starts with a letter E indicates that the parity group consists
of one or more external LUs (for example, E1-1).
A parity group number that starts with a letter V indicates that the parity group consists
of one or more virtual volumes (V-VOLs) for XP Snapshot (for example, V1-1).
: A parity group number that starts with a letter X indicates that the parity group consists
of one or more virtual volumes (V-VOLs) for XP Thin Provisioning. (for example, X1-1).
• Paths - Number of paths that are set for the LDEV. If this column displays the number
of paths for an LDEV, you can use the LDEV as the top LDEV of a LUSE volume (see
LUSE Operations Using a Path-defined LDEV
• Access Attribute - The access attribute that is set for the LDEV.
• Cache mode- Displays Disable when the cache is set to be unused for responding to an
I/O request from the host, or Enable when the cache is set to be used for responding to an
I/O request from the host.
• Ex-Dev Info. - Displays the drive type of external volumes. Displays an asterisk (*) for a SATA
or BD drive containing external volumes. Nothing is displayed for FC drives containing
external volumes and drives containing internal volumes.
• Int. VOL Info - Displays the drive types of internal volumes. Displays nothing for an FC drive
containing internal volumes. Displays a hyphen (-) for a drive containing external volumes.
• CLPR - The ID of the CLPR (cache logical partition) to which the displayed volumes belong.
The CLPR ID is a two-digit number.
Table 4 LDEV Status Icons
LDEV status
Normal LDEV
Expanded (LUSE) volume
Capacity Unit box - Capacity of the LDEV displayed in the Capacity column, in either GB (default
view) or MB.
Selected LDEVs - Number of LDEVs selected in the LDEV Detail table.
LDEV Operation Detail
Select an LDEV drop-down box - LDEVs and LUSE volumes of the selected CU that are eligible to
become part of a LUSE volume are displayed. The selected LDEV number becomes the top LDEV
number of a LUSE volume.
Using the LUSE GUI