Relative pathname, Session, Saveabend file – HP NonStop G-Series User Manual

Page 202: Reference

background image

real group ID.

An attribute of a process. When a process is created, the real group ID identifies the group of
the user or parent process that created the process. The real group ID can be changed after
process creation.

real user ID.

An attribute of a process. When a process is created, the real user ID identifies the user or parent
process that created the process. The real user ID can be changed after process creation.

reference page.

The online or hard-copy version of a file that provides reference information for a software facility.
Some UNIX product externals and end-user publications use the term “man page” instead, referring
either to the online delivery mechanism used to display the file (usually the shell man command)
or to the nature of the file as part of a publication.

regular file.

A file that is a randomly accessible sequence of bytes. A regular file contains binary or text data
and has no structure imposed by the system. Contrast with

special file


relative pathname.

A pathname that does not begin with a slash (/) character. A relative pathname is resolved
beginning with the current working directory. Contrast with

absolute pathname.

remote procedure

A remote procedure or the action of calling a remote procedure.

remote procedure
call system

A set of facilities that includes a programming library, network resource mapping, and binding
services to provide a mechanism for a client process to execute a procedure on a remote server.
A remote procedure call system is a subset of the Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) and
of other products.

remote procedure.

A procedure or function packaged to be called within a server process indirectly by a client

reserved symbol

An identifier that is reserved for use by system or compiler language implementors.



root fileset


root directory


root directory

A directory associated with a process that the system uses for pathname resolution when a
pathname begins with a slash (/) character.

root fileset

The fileset with the device identifier of 0, normally containing the root directory for the Open
System Services (OSS) file system in a HP NonStop system. HP recommends that this fileset be
named “root.”

save file

A file created through the Inspect or Debug product. A save file contains enough information
about a running process at a given time to restart the process at the same point in its execution.
A save file contains an image of the process, data for the process, and the status of the process
at the time the save file was created.

A save file can be created through an Inspect SAVE command at any time. A save file called a
saveabend file can be created by the DMON debug monitor when a process’s SAVEABEND
attribute is set and the process terminates abnormally.

saveabend file

A file containing dump information needed by the system debugging tool on a TNS or TNS/R
system. In UNIX systems, such files are usually called core files or core dump files. A saveabend
file is a special case of a save file.
See also

save file


saved-set group ID

A process attribute that stores a group ID so that the group ID can later be used as the effective
group ID of the process.

saved-set user ID

A process attribute that stores a user ID so that the user ID can later be used as the effective user
ID of the process.


A mechanism used to provide multiple processes with access to a shared data object.

server application

An application that provides a service to a client application. An application that provides local
execution of remote procedure calls is an example of a server application.


A set of process groups associated for job control purposes. A session can have a controlling

session leader

The process that created a session.

session lifetime

The period that begins when a session is created and ends when the lifetime of the last remaining
process group of the session ends.

202 Glossary

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