HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 201

In the Open System Services (OSS) environment, the process of associating a single file with a
specified pathname.
Limits that can vary within the Open System Services (OSS) file hierarchy; that is, the limits on a
pathname variable can vary according to the directory in which pathname resolution begins.
In the OSS environment, the string of characters that uniquely identifies a file within its file system.
A pathname can be either relative or absolute. See also ISO/IEC IS 9945-1:1990 (ANSI/IEEE
Std. 1003.1-1990 or POSIX.1), Clause
pending signal.
A signal that has been generated for a process but has not been delivered. Pending signals are
usually blocked signals.
In the Open System Services (OSS) environment, the OSS process ID, a numeric identifier assigned
to an OSS process and unique within a HP NonStop node. In the Guardian environment, PID is
sometimes used to mean either of the following:
A Guardian process identifier such as the process ID
The cpu, pin value that is unique to a process within a node
See also
An unnamed FIFO, created programmatically by invoking the pipe() function or interactively
with the shell pipe syntax character (|). A shell pipe redirects the standard output of one process
to become the standard input of another process. A programmatic pipe is an interprocess
communication mechanism.
An application that can execute on a wide range of hardware systems from multiple manufacturers.
A portable application is a program that can be moved with little or no change in its source code
from another manufacturer’s system to a HP NonStop system.
portable filename
character set
The set of characters that includes the Roman uppercase and lowercase letters, the Arabic numerals,
the period, the underscore, and the hyphen. The hyphen cannot be the first character of a portable
portable pathname
character set.
The set of characters that includes the Roman uppercase and lowercase letters, the Arabic numerals,
the period, the underscore, the slash (/), and the hyphen. The hyphen cannot be the first character
of a portable pathname.
The Portable Operating System Interface, as defined by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Each POSIX interface is
separately defined in a numbered ANSI/IEEE standard or draft standard. The application program
interface, known as POSIX.1, has become ISO/IEC IS 9945-1: 1990.
process group
A set of processes that can signal associated processes. Each process in a node is a member of
a process group; the process group has a process group ID. A new process becomes a member
of the process group of its creator.
process group ID.
The unique identifier representing a process group during its lifetime.
process group
The process that has the process group ID of its process group as its Open System Services (OSS)
process ID.
process group
The period that begins when a process group is created and ends when the lifetime of the last
remaining process of the group ends.
process ID
process image file
On a UNIX system, an executable object file. In some Guardian product externals and end-user
publications, an executable object file is referred to as a “program file.”
See also
process lifetime.
The period that begins when a process is created and ends when its Open System Services (OSS)
process ID is returned to the system for reuse.
An address space, a single thread of control that executes within that address space, and the
system resources required by that thread of control.
read-only file
A file system with implementation-defined characteristics that restrict changes to the files within
that file system.