How to remove types from the aggregation rule – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

Page 34

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Figure 14 Example of an empty, nested template

How to remove types from the aggregation rule

You might want to remove types from a rule to correct it or refine it. To remove a type, click the
Del Rule button to the right of the type field that you want to remove. To delete And or Or statements,
click the Del AND or the Del OR button to the right of the closing brace for that statement. When
an And or an Or rule is deleted, all the rules that it encloses are deleted also.

This example shows which Del Rule button to click to

remove the Group type within an And

statement and

to remove the entire And statement.

Figure 15 Example demonstrating the location of the Del Rule button in relation to its rule

Check unmatched processes to find application candidates

In Application Discovery, processes running on a host system that do not match existing template
or package definitions are called unmatched processes. Characteristics of unmatched processes
can be entered into a template to define an application.

Understanding the tables that show unmatched processes

The create and edit application template screens show unmatched processes found across the
computing network in a table called “Processes not matched by this template”. The same data
types are also displayed for a particular host on each individual host page in a table called
“Unmatched Processes”.


Procedures and examples