HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

Page 63

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DR Protected IO services configuration troubleshooting

In addition to the configuration issues addressed in this User Guide that are common to both logical
servers and IO services, the following configuration issues apply to IO services only:

Failed to get a list of IO services that can be included in a recovery group

Possible Causes:

Matrix infrastructure orchestration Windows service is not running.

There are no IO services that are DR protection enabled.

All DR protection enabled IO services are already configured in IO services Recovery

Communication failure with IO.

Failed to import an IO service

Possible causes:

The import file is invalid.

The replica service to be created already exists and is running locally.

A primary service with the same name already exists.

The values of the properties in the and files are
not correctly set.

DR protection is not enabled ( = false).

The datastores specified in volume.dr.replica.list do not match the datastores
for the IO service at the Remote Site.

User name and domain name mapping is not specified.

Resources (network and storage) are not available.

The Matrix infrastructure orchestration Windows service is not running.

There is a communication failure with IO.

One or more Recovery Groups in the Matrix recovery management configuration are
inconsistent with the Matrix OE logical server management or IO configuration

Possible causes include:

The Matrix OE logical server management service, the Matrix infrastructure orchestration
Windows service, or both of these services were not running when Recovery Groups
were configured in Matrix recovery management.

The logical sever or IO service was being actively managed when the Matrix recovery
management configuration was invoked (modification, activation, or deactivation was
in progress).

DR Protected IO serivces troubleshooting