HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual
Page 24

If one datastore is specified in volume.dr.list, the DR Protected IO services are
provisioned on the datastore specified.
If multiple datastores are specified in volume.dr.list, the DR Protected IO services are
provisioned on the datastore in volume.dr.list that is both available for that server pool
and also has the most free disk space.
If multiple datastores are specified in volume.dr.list, and the IO template specifies one
of the datastores in volume.dr.list, the DR Protected IO services are provisioned on the
datastore specified in the IO template.
Set the static.ip.replica.list property to reserve static IP addresses for replica IO
services at the Remote Site. The replica IP range can be a subset of the IP range configured
on IO networks UI. The IP range specified in the property file, reserved for replica list cannot
be used when local services are created at the DR site. For example, if the networks configured
in IO at the Remote Site are subnetX and subnetY, one or more IP addresses can be reserved
for replica services from those subnets. For example, reserve a new IP range for DR protected
servers by setting the property in hpio.properties file, similar to the following:
static.ip.replica.list =
On the Local Site and Remote Site CMS specify a name identifying the associated site where
IO is running in the dr.properties file, for example: local.site = siteA at the Local
Site, and local.site = siteB at the Remote Site. The name in the dr.properties file
can be different than the site name configured in Matrix recovery management.
If the service owner domain name and username on the Local Site and Remote Site are not
the same, set the owner.username.
property to specify
the service owner domain and username mapping. For example, if the service owner domain
name and username configured for IO on the Local and Remote Sites are domainA\userA
and domainB\userB:
owner.username.siteA.domainA\\userA = owner.username.siteB.domainB\\userB
Specify additional owner-user name mapping by adding to the dr.properties file. For
owner.username.siteA.ARCMS9671v\\Administrator = owner.username.siteB.ARCMS9771V\\Administrator
owner.username.siteA.ARCMS9671v\\svcuser = owner.username.siteB.ARCMS9771V\\svcuser
If the domain names on the Local Site and Remote Site are not the same, set the
property to specify the domain name
mapping. For example, if the domain name configured for IO on the Local and Remote Sites
is domainA and domainB:
owner.domain.siteA.domainA = owner.domain.siteB.domainB
Map the organization administrator in the dr.properties file by setting the
property. For example, if
the organization administrator for IO on the Local and Remote Sites is userA:
owner.username.siteA.domainA\\userA = owner.username.siteB.domainB\\userA
If the HPIO property federated.io is set to true in the hpio.props file, the dr.props
file must have a corresponding mapping entry:
Installing and configuring Matrix recovery management