Ui “unable to connect to server”messages – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

Page 49

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application that you are looking for is not in this list, you must run the application so that
it can be discovered.


Check that Application Discovery server is running on the CMS.

On HP-UX, type ps -elf | grep amgrserver.jar on the command line of the CMS.
You should see a Java process running the Application Discovery server.

If you do not see this Java process, type /opt/amgr/bin/cms_start . You must be logged
in as user 'root' on the CMS to initiate this command.

On Microsoft Windows, type C:>net start on the command line of the CMS. You should
see a service called Application Discovery in the list of running services.

If you do not see this service, type cms_start from any directory in the Insight Dynamics
installed drive. You must be logged in as Administrator on the CMS to initiate this command.


If none of these measures are sufficient, other underlying problems may be the

cause. See also the suggestions in

“Host not visible in Application Discovery screens”

(page 44)

that relate to communication between the Application Discovery server and the

WBEM provider and between the WBEM provider and the Application Discovery agent.

Errors in Application Discovery user interface operation

Issues listed in this section include the following:

“UI “Unable to connect to server”messages” (page 49)

“Java “UI exception” message displays” (page 50)

UI “Unable to connect to server”messages


Application Discovery might not be correctly configured.

Run vseinitconfig -a on the command line to correct the configuration of Application
Discovery. (See also vseinitconfig(1M.)


Alternatively, you can run --a on the command line to limit the

configuration change to Application Discovery.

To identify other configuration problems that might be affecting Application Discovery
server, check the “Troubleshooting” notes in the Insight Dynamics help instructions, or use

Be aware that one possible cause for incorrect configuration is the case where installation
and startup deviate from the documented process. In this situation, you might see the
following error message:

Application Discovery UI encountered an error: The UI and server

are out of sync.

If Application Discovery web application and Application Discovery server are not from
the same installation version, you must reinstall Application Discovery before using
vseinitconfig -a



Check that Application Discovery server is running on the CMS.

On HP-UX, type ps -elf | grep amgrserver.jar on the command line of the CMS.
You should see a Java process running the Application Discovery server.

If you do not see this Java process, type /opt/amgr/bin/cms_start . You must be logged
in as user 'root' on the CMS to initiate this command.

Errors in Application Discovery user interface operation