Control the device by net control command, Control the device by web interface, Communication format a – Avenview SW-DVI-16X16 User Manual
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b. According to DOS direction, Input the command: arp -s XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX
( is temporary address; XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX is the MAC address of equipment)
and press, “enter”.
c. Input “telnet 1”
d. Input “telnet 9999”. After that set up and save a new IP address based on
your existing IP schema
3.1.3 Control the Device by NET Control Command
If you need to control the SW-DVI-16X16 Matrix Switch via Internet, then the unit must connect to Internet,
and SW-DVI-16X16 must be host computer, controlling equipment must be assistant computer. Before using
command, controlling equipment need send connection request to SW-DVI-16X16 via TCP/IP protocol, and
then build a net. After that send the commands to host computer, data are all binary system, communication
command and protocol formats same as RS232 controlling format, the supporting commands are same as
RS232’s commands.
3.1.4 Control the Device by WEB Interface
1. Introduction of WEB control mode
SW-DVI-16X16 has a WEB server inside, this server supplies supervision function about working state
data, such as device’s inside temperature and power voltage, and control device’s input and output
via web. After set up a correct net control parameter (IP address), the device can be available through
2. Control process
For example: control process is based on TCP/IP, OS is “Widows” professional, IE 6.0, JRE1.4.6 (JAVA
Run Time Environment) inside.
3. Make sure the device connects to Internet via “ping” command.
4. Start up browser; input IP address, like and then the web will display that is
inside the host computer.
3.1.5 Communication Format A
1. Format of Character All data are showed by hexadecimal data.
2. Explanation of character
The symbol“,” and “.” just stands for list separator without any meanings, and wouldn’t be sent in the
process of sending data. The data with “under line” or “black type” are key words.
3. Data length
The data must be among 0x01~0xFF excluding 0xEB, represent the quality of data 1~ data n and are
accordant with the subsequent data.
4. 0x00
It stands for any number from 0x00 to 0xFF excluding 0xEB.
Since the IP address assigned is temporary, if unit is restarted without saving the IP
address, it will be lost. To save IP address input command “telnet
9999” to save the new IP address.