Unable to build a single shared resource domain, Compatibility with prm and wlm – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

Page 57

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A change in the browser locale setting is reflected in:

VSEMgmt software at the start of the next user-interface action

System Insight Manager at the next logon

The properties files for gwlmagent and gwlmcmsd are parsed as English, regardless of the
locale setting. So, be careful of using commas where English would use periods.

Some items are always in English:

Start-up messages from gwlmagent and gwlmcmsd

Log files

Messages from initial configuration

Unable to manage partitions with inactive cells or deconfigured cores

gWLM does not support management of partitions with either inactive cells or deconfigured cores.
(gWLM might incorrectly try to allocate and assign those unavailable resources.)
Configure the cores and activate the cells.

Unable to build a single shared resource domain

The following message might be displayed in the System Insight Manager interface to gWLM:

Unable to build a single shared resource domain from the set of specified hosts:

This message indicates that there are no supported resource-sharing mechanisms available between
the specified hosts. The message can occur if:

You have specified hosts in different complexes and the complexes are not managed in the
same GiCAP group.

You have specified hosts in different nPartitions in a complex when there are no iCAP usage
rights to share between the nPartitions.

The cimserver (or a provider) on one or more hosts is not functioning properly and consequently
complex or partition IDs are not discovered properly.

If you receive this message:

Inspect the /var/opt/gwlm/gwlmagent.log.0 files on the indicated managed nodes for
error messages.

If partitions have been renamed, restarting the agents in the complex might correct the problem.

If available, inspect the discovery tree for unexpected difference in complex or partition names.
Check the functioning of the parstatus, icapstatus and vparstatus commands on
the hosts which do not have the expected IDs. Restarting the cimserver on those hosts might
correct the problem.

Compatibility with PRM and WLM

You cannot use gWLM with either Process Resource Manager (PRM) or Workload Manager (WLM)
to manage the same system at the same time. Attempts to do so result in a message indicating that
a lock is being held by whichever application is actually managing the system. To use gWLM in
this situation, first turn off the application holding the lock.
For PRM, enter the following commands:

# /opt/prm/bin/prmconfig -d
# /opt/prm/bin/prmconfig -r

For WLM, enter the following command: 0
