B global workload manager known issues, Limitations, Incorrect workload name for nonvm workload – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

Page 56: Management of migrated vms or vpars not supported, Localization behaviors

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B Global Workload Manager known issues

This appendix contains the limitations and known issues for the Global Workload Manager.


The following are limitations for Global Workload Manager.

Incorrect workload name for NONVM workload

gWLM supports managing VSPs that has both vPars and HPVMs configured.
When you create a NONVM workload for a VSP which has both vPar and HPVM guests configured,
it is added as part of an SRD. Sometimes, the NONVM workload name is found to be incorrect.
When you create an SRD, make sure to rename the NONVM workload as NONVM irrespective
of the name displayed. This is generally of the format:.NONVM . Ensure to attach the
same policy for all NONVM workloads across all SRDs.


The real time and historical reports for NONVM are not collected appropriately. This

will be fixed in the upcoming release of gWLM.

SRD size error message displayed when creating SRDs

When an SRD is created with a compartment having an initial size of n cores and the policy of
the compartment's workload is set to a fixed policy of size less than n, gWLM displays a validation
failure error message. For example, if an SRD is created with a vPar of size four cores and the
vPar workload's policy is set to Fixed_2 (Fixed policy of size two cores), the following error message
is displayed:

Validation failure for .
Requested size is 4.0 cores and only 2.0 cores could be allocated.
Requested SRD size may be inconsistent with SRD configuration.

Set the workload fixed policy size equal to or greater than the compartment size.

Management of migrated VMs or vPars not supported

gWLM does not support managing VMs or vPars (v6.x) that are migrated online or offline.

Unpredictable management when removing GiCAP group members

If you have removed hosts from a GiCAP group before removing them from an SRD, management
of the SRD becomes unpredictable. You might not be able to modify the SRD or perform a normal
undeploy, in which case you must force an undeploy, delete the SRD, and re-create it.
Unmanage any group members before removing them from the GiCAP group.

Localization behaviors

Starting with the 4.0 release, gWLM has been localized into Japanese. However:

When managing a gwlmagent version prior to 4.0, some error messages are still displayed
in English

Events reported to System Insight Manager are reported in English regardless of the browser


Global Workload Manager known issues