2 group of three enquiry stations, Group of three enquiry stations – Aastra Telecom 800 User Manual
Page 114

Call Queue
Examples of Use
11.2.2 Group of Three Enquiry Stations
The enquiry stations switch all incoming calls. Incoming calls are administered in
queues. Depending on the number of arriving calls, one to three enquiry stations
in this group are manned. The enquiry stations are each equipped with an Aastra
6775ip (OpenPhone 75 IP).
Configure the three Aastra 6775ip (OpenPhone 75 IP) telephones under
Telephony: Devices.
Configure a trunk key with its own telephone number for each of the Aastra
6775ip (OpenPhone 75 IP) telephones under Telephony: Devices: System tel-
Configure a hunt group of the parallel type under Telephony: Groups: Hunt
Group, and include the three telephone numbers of the trunk keys in this hunt
Under Telephony: Call Distribution: Incoming or Telephony: Call Distri-
bution: Incoming DDI route all incoming calls to the number of the hunt
In the Configurator, create a new group called “Operators” under User
Manager: User groups. Activate the Call queue and Call waiting protection
authorisations for this group.
In the User Manager, configure a user for each of the three operators and
assign these settings to the user group called “Operators”. Allocate each user
the telephone number of the trunk key of their system telephone.
Call wait. prot.
(call waiting protection) on all three terminals
in the
Program a feature key with the function “Sign on/sign off from hunt group” on
the three system telephones (in the menu
Calls: Hunt group
Incoming calls are signalled in parallel to all signed-on enquiry stations. If the
enquiry stations are busy, the incoming call joins the queue on each of the ter-
minals in the hunt group. If one of the enquiry stations accepts a call from the