Aastra Telecom 800 User Manual
Page 10

SIP Trunk Lines
The Aastra 800 communications system offers external SIP connections as “SIP
trunk lines”. Alongside several SIP individual connections with various SIP pro-
viders, direct-dialable SIP-DDI connections for external telephony. Configuration
and assignment of external SIP connections is done for telephony users in a com-
pletely transparent manner. This facilitates a smooth introduction to using inex-
pensive internet telephony.
For meeting rising demands, the Aastra 800 communications system can be net-
worked with other communications systems via internet connections (“Q.SIG-IP”).
This enables you to connect distant locations and branches into a single, large
telephony network. With up to five virtual lines, the number of simultaneous con-
nections possible between two communications systems is only limited by the
bandwidth of the internet connection. Via the Q.SIG IP networking, the Aastra 800
communications system can serve as a subsystem or as a DECT server, for example.
Networking is described in the chapter entitled PBX Networking starting on
page 92.
DECT over IP
The Aastra 800 communications system supports the set-up of a DECT network for
mobile office communication. To do so, you use the DECT networking via VoIP,
DECT over IP. Hooking up DECT over IP base stations is done via network lines. For
larger offices, multiple DECT base stations increase wireless network coverage and
provide a transparent handover between the base stations, during an ongoing
telephony connection as well.
Handsets as system terminals with all the system telephony features are available
for DECT telephony and handsets using GAP and CAP standards are also sup-
ported. The handover between the RFPs also functions with handsets using the
GAP standard.
Further Telephony Features
With the Aastra 800 communications system, you can use CTI applications (Com-
puter Telephony Integration). The TAPI (Telephony Application Programming
Interface) and CSTA (Services for Computer Supported Telecommunications Appli-
cations) standards are supported to integrate CTI applications.
The Aastra 800 communications system supports the usage of a browser-based
CTI application, connection to external CTI and CSTA applications, e-mail inte-
gration, VoIP networking as well as other Aastra 800 communications systems and
other Q.SIG-IP capable communications systems. The Aastra 800 communications