Customizing procedures, Appendix e - custom web pages – Axis Communications 2120 User Manual

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Appendix E -

Custom Web Pages

AXIS 2120 User’s Manual


Appendix E - Custom Web Pages

The AXIS 2120 contains a re-writeable flash memory file system that allows some directories and
files to be changed by the root user, using FTP (File Transfer Protocol). This strictly non-supported
product functionality, makes it possible for advanced users and application developers to add their
own Web pages, scripts, and other files to the Axis product.


Customizing Procedures


The existing Administration pages are stored in a compressed read-only area of the file system. If
you intend to try changing these, you must strictly adhere to the instructions provided here and
ensure that you DO NOT inadvertently change any files other than those featured in this section.
Failure to comply with this notice may render your product unusable.

All files stored in the /etc/httpd/html directory are available through the product Web server in
the virtual directory /local/. The URL to resident pages in the /etc/httpd/html directory is

Editing and Storing Your Webpages


Several demonstration and tutorial pages describe in some detail how to perform, execute, and
implement various HTML development functions for your product.

Follow the instructions below to create and save customized pages to the AXIS 2120:
1. Using your preferred editor, create your html file and store it on your local PC hard drive.

2. Now use ftp to upload the file to the AXIS 2120. Enter the following on the command line:


Essentially a hidden feature within the AXIS 2120, modification of the flash file system is not supported
by Axis Communications. In practice this means that Axis will not answer questions regarding Web page
or script development.

In attempting to make any modification to the product, you may inadvertently create a problem that will
require you to return the AXIS 2120 to its factory default settings. You may even cause permanent
damage to the unit that renders it unusable. Consequently, Axis strongly recommends that inexperi-
enced users DO NOT undertake any modifications described in this section.

Axis does not provide any support in association with this functionality nor take any responsibility for
problems arising from it, but merely wish to inform potential application developers of the possibilities
afforded by the Linux-based file structure of the AXIS 2120.

