Brother PE-DESIGN Ver.5 User Manual

Page 192

background image



Before Using

Getting Started

Design Center

Layout & Editing


Stitch Creator

Quick Reference

Alphabetic Index

◆ Use the ZOOM slider to zoom in and out on the image, as necessary.
◆ In the Mask Type section in the bottom of the dialog, select the trimming shape you want to use

for the mask, and edit the mask in the shape you want to use. When the dialog opens, the
square mask is selected.

Change the size of the mask by dragging the handles on the outside of the mask.

If you select the Arbitrary Shape Mask

, the first display shows white square handles in the four

corners of the square mask.

You can move points, enter points, delete points, or edit this square mask however you like in the

Point Edit mode.

(Pattern edited with the round mask) (Pattern edited with the arbitrary shape mask)

The mask size can be set in the range from 64

× 64 dots to the size of the image data.

[Emphasizing the Outline]

In the Select Mask dialog above, click

Image Tune

. An Image Tune dialog similar to the one shown

below appears. You can make the image brighter or darker (clearer or less sharp).

◆ The image window displays the image

resulting from the current operations.

◆ Use

Original – Sharp

to adjust the

sharpness of the image’s outlines. A
setting more towards


makes a

more noticeable boundary between
bright and dark areas.

◆ Use

Dark – Bright

to adjust the bright-

ness of the image.

◆ Use

Contrast Low – High

to adjust the

contrast of the image.

◆ Click


to show the finished image on

the Design Page and on the Select
Mask dialog, and close this dialog.

◆ Click


to close this dialog.