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7.9.9 Code description
n Codes from ① STX to ⑫ memory bank function are expressed in ASCII codes.
n For the ASCII codes, see "7.9.13. Table of ASCII codes."
n For the procedure for conversion to ASCII codes, see communication examples 7.9.11 and
This code is necessary for the receiver to detect the top of a message. This is affixed to the
top of the character string to be transmitted.
② Unit number
This code is for a higher-level computer to identify the communication partner (this product).
Unit numbers are changed by using the rotary switch.
Set range: 0 to F (to be set in a hexadecimal number)
*Before changing a setting, always turn off this product.
③ Setting channels
This function is for setting channels for reading and writing data in this product.
Set range: 1 to 8 (each channel), A (all channels 1 to 8)
*Before changing a setting, always turn off this product.
④ Contents of requests
Enter either of the following codes: R, W, r, or w.
R (uppercase, 52H): For reading data from this product
W (uppercase, 57H): For writing data in this product or for saving data in this product
r (lowercase, 72H):
For reading data from the memory bank of this product
w (lowercase, 77H): For writing data in the memory bank of this product or for saving data
in this product
⑤ Identifier
An identifier is a classification code (identifier) for data to be read or written and expressed in
a three-digit alphanumerical ASCII code. See "6. Table of identifiers."
⑥ Numerical data
These are data to be read or written, and are all expressed in five digits regardless of the type.
Negative data: The "-" (minus) sign is in a single digit at the largest digit.
Position of the decimal point: 5-digit data does not include a decimal point.
Example: The table below indicates the significances of 5-digit numerical data 00010.
Significance of the value
Proportional band (P)
Data (PV), etc, whose decimal point can be shifted
When the decimal point setting (DP) is 0
When the decimal point setting (DP) is 0.1
This code is needed for the receiver to detect the end of a message. It is affixed to the end of a
character string to be sent (except for BCC).