Dwyer 16L User Manual

Page 12

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Page 12 of 28

December, 1998

POL = Lowest desired scale reading - ((Minimum desired analog
output) * K).

Next select whether you want the retransmission signal to follow the
Process Variable or the Set Variable. Usually the Process Variable
is sent to recorders or other data acquisition devices. Usually the
Set Variable is sent to other controls to be used as an analog remote
set point. If you want the analog retransmission signal to follow the
PV, in the Secondary Menu set POSr to InP. If you want the analog
retransmission signal to follow the SV, set POSr to SPt.

Operation is automatic. There are no further programming steps

Option 948, 4-Stage Set Point.

The 4-stage set point option allows four different values to be used
for SP1. The control will switch to a given stage when an external
contact or contacts are made or opened across the appropriate
terminals at the rear of the control (when SPSA, Set Point Switch
Action, is set for remote, rE), or when the stage is selected from the
Secondary Menu, SP (when SPSA is set for Int). When the state of
a contact changes (or the stage number is changed in the Secondary
Menu), the values in use are stored and the previously stored values
for the new stage are used.

Wire the input as shown on page 7.

Usually the control is configured for external switching of the stages.
In this case, the operation is usually automatic, selected by the
external switches driven by the machine logic. If it is necessary to
program the stages in advance, you may select the stage to modify
with the SP menu item. When SP is changed while the SPSA is set
for rE, the selected stage is displayed for modification, but only used
when the appropriate contact is made.

Option 992, 993, Serial Communication.

The serial communications options allow the control to be written to
and read from a remote computer or other similar digital device.
Communication is allowed either through a RS-485 (Option 992)
port, or a RS-232 (Option 993) port.