Dwyer IEFS User Manual
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The complete lack of moving parts in the Series IEFS insertion flow
sensor is the source of its reliability. Brass and stainless steel models
withstand a variety of temperature, pressure, and chemical conditions.
The IEFS Series has no rotor to stop turning in dirty water and there
are no bearings to wear out.
A rapidly reversing magnetic field is produced in the lower housing.
As the fluid moves through this field, a voltage is generated that is
measured and translated into a frequency signal proportional to flow
rate. This square wave signal can be sent directly to a PLC or other
control, or can be converted using any of the Dwyer Instruments Inc.
family of indicators and converters.
A modular system of electronics can be attached directly to the flow
sensor or remotely mounted. The Dwyer Instruments Inc. Series RTI
provides full indication of rate and total, plus 4 to 20 mA output and
the Series BAT provides blind 4 to 20 mA output.
The adapter fitting of the sensor is standard male NPT, and can be
directly threaded into ordinary saddles or threaded weld fittings. The
IEFS-1 includes an isolation valve, allowing hot-tap installation, or
installation and removal under pressure; a bronze ball valve is standard,
with a 316 stainless steel valve option if needed.
Reverse flow output and immersibility are optional.
Page 1
General Information
General Information, Features, Specifications ................................................................................................. Page 1
Piping, Distorted Flows, Immersion, Positioning the Meter ............................................................................ Page 2
Fitting Installation, Meter Installation ............................................................................................................... Page 3
Proper Depth Setting ......................................................................................................................................... Page 4
Dimension “C”, Pipe Wall Thickness ................................................................................................................. Page 5
Straight Pipe Recommendations ...................................................................................................................... Page 6
Full Pipe Recommendations .............................................................................................................................. Page 7
Electrical Connections
General Electrical Guidelines, Power, Forward (and Reverse) Flow Output,
Grounding Guidelines, Grounding Diagram...................................................................................................... Page 8
Connections Diagrams
Counter or PLC, Series BAT 4 to 20 mA Output................................................................................................................
Page 9
RTI Display and Proportional Feed, RTI & 4 to 20 mA Output, Dual RTI Displays ......................................... Page 10
Operation & Maintenance
Zero Adjustment, Minimum Flow, Presence of Flow Indication, Filtering,
Electrode Coating............................................................................................................................................... Page 11
Calibration (“K-Factor”), Flow Rates in Gallons Per Minute ............................................................................ Page 12
Problems, Probable Causes and Things to Try ................................................................................................. Page 13
Features .............................................................................................................................................................. Page 1
Distorted Flows, Positioning the Meter ............................................................................................................. Page 2
Meter Installation, Sensor Removal .................................................................................................................. Page 3
Proper Depth Setting ......................................................................................................................................... Page 4
Dimension “C”, Pipe Wall Thickness ................................................................................................................. Page 5
Straight Pipe Recommendations ...................................................................................................................... Page 6
Full Pipe Recommendations .............................................................................................................................. Page 7
Grounding Diagram ............................................................................................................................................ Page 8
Connection Diagrams: Counter or PLC, Series BAT 4 to 20 mA Output ......................................................... Page 9
Connection Diagrams: Series RTI Display and Proportional Feed, RTI & 4-20 mA Output,
Dual Series RTI Displays .................................................................................................................................... Page 10
Zero Adjustment, Flow Rates in Gallons Per Minute ........................................................................................ Page 11
IEFS K-factors (in Pulses/Gallon) for various pipe sizes ................................................................................. Page 12
Troubleshooting Problems, Probable Causes and Things to Try ..................................................................... Page 13
Valve assembly for
hot tap installation
Brass or 316 Stainless Shaft
Lower Housing
Adapter Fitting
1 1/2” Male NPT threads
Compression Nut
Sensor Housing
Electrodes and Cap
Housing Screw (connect ground to one)
Cover or Electronics Module
Cable Strain Relief
3” to 48” (up to 60” when ordered with 12” extension option)
316 SS or Brass
Cast powder-coated aluminum
Bronze (stainless optional) with bronze ball valve
12 to 25 VDC, 250 mA
12 to 25 VDC, 40 mA average with 250 mA peaks
0.28 to 20 ft/sec (0.08 - 6.09 m/sec)
1-1/2” Male NPT
2” Male NPT
0 to 160˚F (-17 to 72˚C)
32 to 200˚F (0 to 93˚C)
200 psi (13.8 bar)
20 microSiemens/cm
+/- 1% of full-scale
Square wave pulse, opto isolated, 550 Hz @ 20 ft/sec
6 mA max, 30 Vdc forward flow standard; reverse flow optional
Software, defaults to zero flow
Pipe Sizes
Materials Shaft/Fitting
Electrode Cap
Valve Assembly
(IEFS-1 Only)
(IEFS-1 Only)
Full Power
Low Power
Flow Range
Fitting Size
Temperature Ambient
Minimum Conductivity
Calibration Accuracy
Empty Pipe Detection
*Specifications subject to change
Hastelloy® is a trademark of Hanes International, Inc.