Overview, Introduction – Crystal WT Series Panel Mount Digital Pressure Gauge User Manual

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XP2i Operation Manual



Thank you for choosing the WT Series Digital Test Gauge from Crys tal En gi neer ing Corporation. The WT Series is a combination of leading edge tech nol-
o gy and rug ged in dus tri al de sign. The WT Series Digital Test Gauge is designed to fi t in 8" or 10" panel mount applications commonly found in portable test

sets. The WT Series is based on the Crystal Engineering Corp. model XP2i digital pressure gauge ( The WT Series pressure gauge has been

repackaged so that it may be mounted in a portable enclosure, while retaining easy access to batteries and to the digital (RS-232) interface (both of which

would otherwise be on the back of the gauge).

Accuracy is 0.1 percent of reading–so any WT Series can typically replace several gauges you may have been using. The WT Series is

fully temperature compen-

sated–so there is no change in accuracy through out the entire operating temperature range!

The WT Series’ case is made from rugged aluminum alloy utilizing a gasket to seal the enclosure against dust and water intrusion. Even the RS-232 connector

is fully sealed (with or without the red cover or rubber boot). Circuitry is mounted in shock absorbing elastomer supports and the batteries are easily acces-

sible by removing four screws. But you won’t need to change the batteries often, since 3 AAA batteries provide up to 500 hours of continuous operation. The

batteries are easily replaced by removing the two screws. Other features include:

Continuous capture of peak and valley pressure read ings

PSV mode

Programming interface

User-defi ned units

All welded 316 stainless steel sensor

We hope your WT Series meets your expectations, and we're interested in any comments or suggestions you may have. You can send us a note at:

[email protected]

. Many features in this and our other products are a direct result of your comments!

Crystal Engineering is the company that designs, manufactures, markets, and services the nVision reference pressure recorder, XP2i

, and 30 series pressure

calibrators, M1 Pressure Gauge, MultiCal multimeter pressure adapters, and a variety of industry specifi c pressure measuring equipment. Crystal Engineering

pioneered features like full temperature compensation and “of reading” rated gauges and calibrators. Pres sure measuring equipment is the only thing we do

and that’s why we say:

Your WT Series can be customized, through

the use of our free

Confi gXP

™ software. Your

personal computer can disable, enable, or

modify a variety of features of your XP2i. Look

for the


for programmable features, like:

A user defi ned pressure scale, and/or disable
unused pressure units

Password protection to prevent
unauthorized changes

Disable keypad recalibration,




button, and/or





Expand or decrease allowable Zero range

Set the gauge to a diff erent density of water
factor (4° C, 60° F, or 68° F)

Store a 12 digit ID or tag number in
non-volatile memory

Adjust calibration values