3 message structure 8, 1 message elements 8, Address field 8 – West Control Solutions KS 800 ISO1745 Interface Manual User Manual

Page 8: Code 8, Message structure, Message elements, 3message structure 3.1

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Message structure


Message elements

In the following section, some expressions which shall be explained as follows are used:




Address of a participating unit, always 2 bytes long, adjustable on the instruments


Data field composed of


fields a. , separated by character ‘=’


a series of successive with several block accesses


identification field composed of


field and


different selection criteria


Value of a datum, which is addressed with a key.

Addressing key of a datum, 2-digit, decimal number range, first digit also ‘B’.


further addressing field for selection of a.


Block Check Count. All characters between STX (exclusive) and ETX (inclusive) are

connected bytewisely by an EXOR function and output as 1 byte, always after ETX.


Bem. A Address field

The adress field can be transmitted only after ‘EOT’ and must be generated only by the master. It is two

bytes long. The address number range is 00 ... 99. If the transmitted address corresponds with the one

adjusted in the unit, the message is intended for this unit.

Different address settings are possible for COM1 and COM2.

Bem. B Data field

The data field contains the parameters and data to be transmitted.
The equality sign is followed by the value of a datum (). Several data are separated by a comma.

The data type depends on the access. The last value before ‘ETX’ ends without ‘,’.
With block read access with additional selection criteria, these criteria are specified only once. The data

follow without further identifications. Thus, the message structure becomes more compact.

Bem. C Identification field

The identification field addesses a defined datum or a data area in the instrument. It consists of a code and of

an additional selection identification with some accesses.
With a data enquiry, the identification field contains information for KS92/94 which data the unit is expected

to send. This is always followed by the address field. In the reply, it is also specified for clear determination

of the datum, followed by the data field with separator „=“.
With data entry, STX is followed by the identification field for addressing the values to be specified.

Connection of the data field is by means of character „=“.

Bem. D Code

The code identification is two bytes long and the value range is ASCII ‘00’...’99’ and ‘B2’... ‘B3’.

Message structure

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