Thermo Fisher Scientific CyberScan pH 1000/pH 2500 User Manual

Page 17

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Instruction Manual

pH 1000/ 2500



Ion Calibration (for pH 2500 only)

Ion calibration is used for ion selective electrodes (ISE). For
the selection and preparation of appropriate calibration
solutions, consult the instruction manuals for the list of ISE
probes and calibration standards available.

1. Make the appropriate electrode connections and switch on the


2. Select mode by pressing MODE key repeatedly until the Ion

mode is accessed, as indicated in the LCD. Dip electrode(s) in
first standard.

3. Press

CAL/MEAS key to activate calibration mode. The ‘CAL‘

indicator displays on the LCD. Top display shows measured
mV value from electrode and bottom display shows 1 indicating
first standard.

4. Once the ‘READY’ indicator displays, press CAL EDIT key to

enter the concentration value of the standard. Use numeric
to enter the value 0 to 9999. When entering concentration
value, if decimal point is pressed, then rest of the digits (total 4
digits) must be entered e.g. 10 or 10.00. The available
calibration options include 0.1; 1.0 or 1; 10.0 or 10; 100.0 or
100 and 1000. Refer to below notes for details.

5. Press

YES to confirm the selected value or NO to cancel and

re-enter the value.

6. For the next calibration value, wash electrode with deionised

water and dip it into second standard and repeat step 4.
Proceed to next calibration points until you have finished. Press
CAL/MEAS key to switch to measurement mode if calibration is
done using less than 5 standards.


At the end of fifth standard ion calibration, the meter switches
to [MEAS] mode automatically once these values are entered.
The ISE probe is calibrated to the selected standard solutions



Minimum number of calibration for Ion is 2

points, maximum is 5 points. At least 2 standards
(preferably one decade apart in concentration
value) must be used to complete the calibration.
If less than 2 standards are used then calibration is
ignored. Refer to Troubleshooting


Make sure to wash electrode between samples to
prevent cross-contamination. It is advisable to
read samples in the order of low concentration to
high concentration.