Directory – APPLIED ENGINEERING Sonic Blaster User Manual

Page 74

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A pathname is a path of directories required to access a specific file

on a disk device. To reference a file named


on volume



would use a ‘path’ to the file


Some files may be additional

directories and those directories may contain references to more files or more
directories. The main volume directory is called the ‘root directory.” Directories
within the root directory are called subdirectories. If you want to refer to a file
contained in a subdirectory, you must include those intermediate subdirectory
names in your full pathname. Say you have a volume called


and have a

subdirectory called


and have a file called


the complete pathname to

access the file


would be


See: Prefix.

P h o n e P l u g s / J a c k s


Phone plug (male connector) or jack (female connector) is a

single prong or single hole connector. The difference between the phone and
phono connectors is that the phono connectors have a circular metal extension
around the plug or hole.

P h o n e P l u g s / J a c k s


The phono plug (male connector) or jack (female

connector), also called RCA plug/jack, is used by many record players, tuners, etc.
for connecting one to the other. It has a single prong or hole with a circular
metal extension around the plug or hole.

P l a y b a c k R a t e


The rate in Hz (samples per second) at which the file is played.

You can change the Sonic Blasters Playback Sample Rate setting even while the
file is being played. A higher playback rate heightens the pitch and speed (think
helium). A lower playback rate lowers the pitch and speed (think horror films).

P r e f i x


The ProDOS prefix is a standard default partial pathname that is added to

any file name you specify if your pathname is not fully qualified. A fully
qualified pathname is one that starts with the volume name followed by any
subdirectories that must be accessed to find the file in question. A prefix is used
to shorten the amount of typing you must do to specify a pathname to a file. As
an example, suppose you have a volume called


and that volume has a

subdirectory called


and you have a program file called


that is in the


subdirectory. Without a prefix, you would have to use


as the pathname to your file. You could, however, Set the

prefix to


and then you would only have to specify


as your



would be automatically attached to the front of the

pathname you specified.

P r e f i x



The Prefix Directory is the directory specified by the current

ProDOS prefix; i.e., if the prefix is set as




then the Prefix

Directory would be the subdirectory called


found in the


volume directory.

Glossary 65