APPLIED ENGINEERING Sonic Blaster User Manual

Page 64

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The ‘silent wave used to create the window will be replaced
with the clipboard contents.


Save ( -S) the file to whatever disk you want. (Refer to
the Save instruction in Chapter 2 if you don't know
how to change volumes, etc.

End the file’s name with the sequence number, for example,
Laughs.I will be your first save, Laughs.2 your second, etc. This
will help you keep track of the files’ order to make Appending


Close the window you have just saved.

10) Return to the window you are segmenting.\

11) Check the size of the remaining segment as indicated on

the cassette label.

-> If the

Select Region

is too large to Save to your

other disk, repeat the steps above.

-> If the

Select Region

shows a size that can be saved

to disk, use the Save As command to rename the file
with the sequential number (Ex: Laughs.2). This
saves the extra steps of cutting, opening a new
window, selecting all, etc.

Segmenting is complete. You can now load the entire file back
into the program by opening the first file

(File. 1)


Appending the other files in sequence

(File .2, File.3,


App. E - Saving Large Files