C: adapters microphones – APPLIED ENGINEERING Sonic Blaster User Manual
Page 58

M i s s i n g F O R M / C O M M / S S N D c h u n k i n A I F F f i l e
This is a seldom, if ever, seen, error message that appears when
a sound file does not have some required information. You
wont be able to open the file.
Must have a 64K block to record
Must have a 128K block to record
Max Block
shows less than 64K, you’ll get this message when
you try to record in mono. If
Max Block
shows less than 128K,
you’ll get this message when you try to record in stereo. Even
though you close files to free up memory, the CS memory
manager may not join the newly freed pieces of memory
together. This is the same reason that the
Max Block
may show you have 110K free before you record a l00K file and
still show 90K free when you finish the recording; the memory
manager does some memory resorting to put together and
make available fragmented pieces of memory.
O n l y 8 B i t S a m p l e s S u p p o r t e d
AIFF supports more than S bit samples. Sound files created on
the Macintosh, for example, may be 16 bit samples. You won’t
be able to open the file.
P l a y b a c k s p e e d i s t o o f a s t
When this message appears, the file segment
too small to be
played at such a high speed. Slow down the
Playback Sample
or select a larger segment of the file. (Entering and
exiting the Control Panel while playing can also cause this
Requires AE Sonic Blaster Card
The program can’t find the Sonic Blaster card. Make sure the
card is installed properly and that the slot containing the card is
set to
“Your Card" in
the Slots option of the Control Panel.
R e q u i r e s G S / O S O p e r a t i n g S y s t e m
You’ll need to boot from a disk containing GS/OS before you
can use the SB program.
W i n d o w m u s t b e o p e n t o A p p e n d
Before you can use the Append command, you must open a
window with the Open, New, or Record command. The
Append option will be enabled when you have a window
W i n d o w m u s t b e o p e n t o P a s t e
Before you can use the
command, you must open a
window with the
Open, New,
command. The
option will be enabled when you have a window open.
App. B - Trouble Shooting