Fun stuff – APPLIED ENGINEERING Sonic Blaster User Manual

Page 66

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Fun Stuff

You’ve probably had a chance to mess around with the Sonic
Blaster software by the time you read this; we have, too. Here
are a few things we’ve tried at Applied...

Back Talk

Record a word or phrase forward, listen to it backwards, record
yourself saying it backwards and then flip it. How close can you
get it to sound like an intelligible word or phrase? One phrase
that sounds clear when reversed is “eem pleh” (‘help me).


Notes Remember that you’re working with the way
words sound (phonetics), not the way they look; spelling
a word backwards and reading it will usually not sound
intelligible when flipped around.

Traveling Sound

If you’ve played the

Left . Cen . Right

file through stereo

speakers, you’ve noticed that the sound moves from the left
speaker to the middle and then to the right speaker (hence the






Look at Channel I and 2 of the file.

Notice that Channel I has the first drum beat, Channel 2 has the
third drum beat, and both channels have the second drum beat.

You can make even mono files “travel” in this manner by
copying them into a stereo window, setting the






then pasting in silence over a

section of the sound wave at the beginning of Channel One and
at the end of Channel 2. Using this technique you could record a
joke in mono, then have the left speaker ask the question ( e x :
Why are 5 and 6 afraid of 7?) and have the right speaker answer
(Because 7, 8,9 and 10).

Answering Machines

Are people complaining about how boring your answering
machine messages are? Well, with a Sonic Blaster, some stutter,
and a little echo, even the most commonplace “I’m sorry. We
can’t come to the phone right now comes alive!

Some answering machines allow external inputs for leaving
messages. If yours does, it may be possible to connect the SB
directly to your machine. If not, place the machine near the SB
speakers, begin recording with your answering machine and play
the file you’ve created from Sonic Blaster.

App. F - Try This!