L2 protocol, Description, Pcr (peak cell rate) – ADTRAN 600 Series User Manual

Page 38: Qos (quality of service), Protocol, 3urwrfro, Hvfulswlrq, 3&5 3hdn &hoo 5dwh, 426 4xdolw\ ri 6huylfh, Ljxuh :$1 0hqx

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Total Access 600 Series User Manual

© 2002, ADTRAN, Inc.

Total Access 600 Series SHDSL IAD User Interface Guide/64200683L1-31B
Page 38


Use the

:$1 menu (Figure 12) to configure WAN settings on the Total Access 600.

Figure 12. WAN Menu

L2 Protocol
Displays the current L2 protocol - ATM (Read Only).

Use the ATM menu to setup Data PVCs for the router.


This is the text description for the PVC.


ATM virtual port identifier.


This is the ATM virtual channel identifier.

PCR (Peak Cell Rate)

Limits transmitted cells.

QOS (Quality of Service)

Indicates this PVC’s traffic class.


This is the protocol supported on the PVC.