SilentKnight VisorAlarm Manager User Manual

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VisorALARM Manager – Quick Guide


Doc. DM380-I

Rev. 3.0


Reading the VisorALARM Configuration

To get or refresh the actual device configuration, click on the “Read configuration device”
button. This is shown in the following figure.

Figure 4

The first time that the VisorALARM Manager connects to the device this is done


Modifying the VisorALARM general parameters

The “General Parameters” tab shown in Fig 3 shows the VisorALARM parameters. To
modify any of these, change the value for the required parameter and then click on the
“Update” button (see Fig 3) to save the change in the VisorALARM. If you want to change
various parameters at the same time, click on the “Update” button once you have executed all
the changes. When the updating process has finished the program will ask you to restart the
VisorALARM device. Press “OK” to restart the equipment so the new parameter values take

Figure 5



IP Address

IP Address of the VisorALARM receiver in the Central Station

IP Mask

IP Mask of the VisorALARM receiver in the Central Station


Gateway for Internet Access in the Central Station LAN

Type of VisorALARM

A receiver can be Main, Backup or Maintenance.

Communication Port

This is the UDP Port where the mIP/IPDACT devices will
send the registration, supervision and alarm data packets

NTP Server IP Address

IP Address for a Network Time Protocol Server

Maintenance receiver

Encryption password used by mIP/IPDACT device when
sending data packets to a Maintenance Receiver

Sync Port

This is the port used between Main and Backup receivers to
synchronize configurations

Main Receiver IP Address

In a Backup receiver this will set up the IP Address of its Main