7 register – radio software version, 8 register – control, 9 register – status – Detcon RXT-300 User Manual
Page 38: 10 register – timestamp, Register – radio software version, Register – control, Register – status, Register – timestamp

RXT-300 SmartWireless™
RXT-300 Wireless IM
Rev. 2.0
Page 32 of 41
5.3.7 Register – Radio Software Version
This is set to a value based upon the version of software programmed into the RXT-300 radio. It is stored as
two byte value representing the major and minor revision numbers. So a 0106h (262 decimal) represents a
major version of 01 and minor version of 06. As software is updated this will be incremented appropriately.
5.3.8 Register – Control
The Control register is must be written to carefully. It should be read first and then only change those bits
required by user. Using the control register, Alarms can be silenced or reset, the RXT-300 can be reset and
Modbus™ exceptions can be enabled. The listing below shows the bit assignments.
Bit 15:
Reset the microcontroller and wireless radio
Bit 14:
Reset the microcontroller
Bit 13 – 06:
Bit 05:
Enables Modbus Exceptions
Bit 04:
Enables Alarm Test Mode (not started until shows in status register)
Bit 03 – 02:
Bit 01:
Performs an Alarm Silence when set to a 1; Cleared upon completion on local RXT-300.
Bit 00:
Performs an Alarm Reset when set to a 1; Cleared upon completion on local RXT-300.
5.3.9 Register – Status
This register contains status of the RXT-300 and some of the bits have already been covered in the battery
description. These default to 0 upon reset. The bit assignment and description are given below.
Bit 15:
Battery Attached or Detected
Bit 14 – 10:
Bit 09:
One or more RXT-300s offline
Bit 08:
Bit 07:
Low Battery Alarm Threshold detected (valid if bit 15 = 1)
Bit 06:
Battery communication fault detected on last read (valid if bit 15 = 1)
Bit 05:
Bit 04:
In Alarm Test Mode and has started
Bit 03:
In RF Silence Mode
Bit 02:
In Alarm Inhibit Mode
Bit 01:
Network is sleeping
Bit 00:
Network Master RXT-300 = set to 1; Network Slave RXT-300 = set to 0
5.3.10 Register – Timestamp
Three registers are utilized to maintain a timestamp that increments on the microcontroller after power up.
These are all set to 0 upon power up or a microcontroller reset. The first two registers 99and 100 are internally
combined into a single 32 bit register and incremented each second. The last register 101 maintains the
millisecond count and will count from 0 to 999 and start over again.