Tele Vue Bino Vue User Manual

Page 2

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2) unscrew the Flat Coupler
from the Bino Vue body
3) Thread in the Extension
Coupler to the Bino Vue body
4) Thread the 2x Amplifier
into the Extension Coupler
It is still safe to insert the
Bino Vue into 2" Tele Vue
diagonals with the 2"-1¼"
Tele Vue "High-Hat" adapter
without hitting the diagonal
mirror. If a filter is threaded
onto the Bino Vue in this
configuration, it WILL hit the

mirror. Take
to ensure this
does not hap-

If you will

also be us-
ing the Bino
Vue with tele-
scopes that
have enough
focus in-travel
to allow the
Bino Vue to
come to focus
without the
2x Amplifier,
such as SCTs,
1) install the
E x t e n s i o n
Coupler as
d e s c r i b e d
2) thread the
empty Exten-
sion Tube into
the Extension
Then, refocus
the SCT mir-
ror. (This does

increase the E.F.L. of the SCT
about 25% due to the nature
of the secondary relative to
the primary). Note: some
ghosting may be seen when
bright objects are outside,
but near to the viewing field.
Careful eye positioning can
minimize this.
Using Bino Vue
Bino Vue is very simple to use.
First, start with two Tele Vue
eyepieces to ensure exact
matching of eyepiece focal
lengths. Insert the eyepieces
and tighten both Eyepiece
Clamp Rings just enough to
hold the eyepieces securely
against gravity, but loose
enough to slide them up
and down with your hand.
Doing so will make diopter
adjustment a snap.

Next, set the interocular

distance. While looking into
Bino Vue, grasp both sides of
the body and either squeeze
together or spread apart until
the two circles merge into one
(just like binoculars). Focus
the scope normally. If there is
a difference in focus between
the eyepieces, simply slide
one of the eyepieces in or out
to match the focus difference
of your eyes.

A note on the collet

type Eyepiece Holder. This
method of holding the eye-
pieces in place insures the
optical axis of the eyepieces
remain in-line with the optical
axis of the rest of the system.
Slight misalignment of the
optical axis can cause fatigue

or eye strain when viewing
for long periods and at high
A Final Note
If you use Bino Vue with any
of our telescopes for terrestrial
viewing, you will enter a new
world of visual experience.
And, whether you’re viewing
in daylight or at night, you
will hardly realize that each
eye is seeing less than 50%
transmission normally seen at
the same magnification. The
reason is that the resolution
and contrast are so high, and
two eye viewing seems to “re-
cover” some of the light loss.
Indeed until you go to very
high powers, you may prefer
these views with seemingly
darker sky backgrounds.
Each Bino Vue is carefully
collimated and tested at Tele
Vue. Bino Vue is warranted
for 5 years against manufac-
turing defects. Dropping or
banging it may disturb the
collimation. Never remove
the covers or any other part,
or you may void the warranty.
Disturbance of collimation is
usually evidence of abuse, it
is warranted at the discretion
of Tele Vue. Please handle
Bino Vue carefully as you
would a telescope.

32 Elkay Drive, Chester, New York 10918 845.469.4551

Bino Vue with Extension Tube installed

for use with scopes that do not need

the path length compensation of the 2x

amplifier. Filters may be used.

Bino Vue set up with Extension Coupler

and 2x Amplifier for parfocalization. Do

Not Use Filters.

Bino Vue with Flat Coupler removed

Setting Interocular Separation
