Tele Vue Bino Vue 2x Amplifier (BVP-2001) User Manual
Bvp-2001) bino vue, 2x amplifier instructions

Bino Vue set up with Extension Coupler
and 2x Amplifier for parfocalization.
Do Not Use Filters.
Bino Vue with Extension Coupler removed
Parts List:
Bino Vue 2x Amplifier
- 2x Amplifier
- Flat Coupler
To install your new Bino Vue 2x Amplifier
with filter threads you must first unscrew the
Extension Coupler from the Bino Vue body.
Next, thread the Flat Coupler onto the 2x
Amplifier with the spanner slots facing out.
Then thread the as-
sembly into the
Bino Vue
Body in
place of the
E x t e n s i o n
C o u p l e r .
That's it!
Please note that the Flat Coupler provides
enough space for the inclusion of an 1¼"
filter without hitting the diagonal mirror
when using 2" Tele Vue diagonals and the
2"-1¼" Tele Vue "High-Hat" adapter. How-
ever, in this configuration the amplifier is no
longer quite parfocal. A moderate focuser
in-travel is required.
If your telescope requires the Bino
Vue to be parfocal because it cannot
reach focus in the standard configuration
1) unscrew the 2x Amplifier from the
Flat Coupler,
2) Thread the Extension Coupler to the
Bino Vue body
3) Thread the 2x Amplifier into the
Extension Coupler.
It is still safe to insert the
Bino Vue into 2" Tele Vue
diagonals with the 2"-1¼"
Tele Vue "High-Hat" adapter
without hitting the diago-
nal mirror. If a filter is
threaded onto
the Bino Vue in
this configura-
tion, it WILL hit
the mirror. Take
precautions to
ensure this does
not happen.
Bino Vue with Flat Coupler and 2x Amplifier
with filter threads installed
32 Elkay Drive, Chester, New York 10918 845.469.4551
Bino Vue set up with Extension Coupler
and 2x Amplifier for parfocalization.
Do Not Use Filters.
Bino Vue with Extension Coupler removed
Parts List:
Bino Vue 2x Amplifier
- 2x Amplifier
- Flat Coupler
To install your new Bino Vue 2x Amplifier
with filter threads you must first unscrew the
Extension Coupler from the Bino Vue body.
Next, thread the Flat Coupler onto the 2x
Amplifier with the spanner slots facing out.
Then thread the as-
sembly into the
Bino Vue
Body in
place of the
E x t e n s i o n
C o u p l e r .
That's it!
Please note that the Flat Coupler provides
enough space for the inclusion of an 1¼"
filter without hitting the diagonal mirror
when using 2" Tele Vue diagonals and the
2"-1¼" Tele Vue "High-Hat" adapter. How-
ever, in this configuration the amplifier is no
longer quite parfocal. A moderate focuser
in-travel is required.
If your telescope requires the Bino
Vue to be parfocal because it cannot
reach focus in the standard configuration
1) unscrew the 2x Amplifier from the
Flat Coupler,
2) Thread the Extension Coupler to the
Bino Vue body
3) Thread the 2x Amplifier into the
Extension Coupler.
It is still safe to insert the
Bino Vue into 2" Tele Vue
diagonals with the 2"-1¼"
Tele Vue "High-Hat" adapter
without hitting the diago-
nal mirror. If a filter is
threaded onto
the Bino Vue in
this configura-
tion, it WILL hit
the mirror. Take
precautions to
ensure this does
not happen.
Bino Vue with Flat Coupler and 2x Amplifier
with filter threads installed
32 Elkay Drive, Chester, New York 10918 845.469.4551