Tele Vue Bino Vue User Manual
Bino vue instructions

Parts List:
Bino Vue Package
- Bino Vue with Flat Coupler
and 2x Amplifier installed
- Extension Coupler*
- Extension Tube*
(*packaged separately)
Bino Vue Body
Bino Vue with Extension
Coupler & Extension Tube
Limitations of
ordinary binoculars
You’re probably aware that
the color correction and
resolution of all high pow-
ered binoculars are far less
than ideal. Usually the size,
weight, cost, inconvenience
and lack of interchangeable
eyepieces render them un-
desirable for all but the most
die hard fans.
Enter Bino Vue
We immediately recognized
the advantages of a binocular
attachment that is used like an
ordinary binocular as far as
setting interpupillary distance
without refocusing
and is set up as
easily as changing
an eyepiece.
Because of the
high cost and a few
other limitations,
we hesitated bring-
ing this product to
market. However,
we felt the astonishing ex-
perience, in particular for
planetary, lunar, double star,
and globular cluster viewing
should not be denied.
Why add an image
Our 2.0x image amplifier/
corrector compensates for
Bino Vue’s 5.1" of optical
path length as well as the
slight amount of naturally oc-
curring color and astigmatism
introduced into the image by
the additional prism glass.
Most noticeable in fast
scopes and at high power,
we felt it important to design
out this degradation. Bino
Vue is the only fully corrected
system available today that
will neither vignette at the
widest field nor compromise
your telescope's high power
Bino Vue Uses
Bino Vue comes standard
with the Flat Coupler and
2x Amplifier installed on the
body. This permits the Bino
Vue to be used in all tele-
scopes with just a moderate
focuser in-travel required. The
2x Amplifier has filter threads
to accept 1¼" filters. The Flat
Coupler provides enough
space for the inclusion of filter
without hitting the diagonal
mirror when using 2" Tele Vue
diagonals and the 2"-1¼"
Tele Vue "High-Hat" adapter.
If your telescope re-
quires the Bino Vue to be
parfocal because it cannot
reach focus in the standard
configuration then;
1) unscrew the 2x Amplifier
from the Flat Coupler,
Concept: At Tele Vue, the driving force has always been to get as close as possible
to the contrast, resolution and field of the most remarkable instrument of all: the
human eye. While always respecting the need for viewing comfort, convenience
and value, we have broken through conventional barriers to bring you eyepieces
and telescopes with performance dramatically closer to the “spacewalk view-
ing” goal. One major limitation has been the lack of binocular viewing. Look at
the night sky with one eye closed. It’s missing a lot. Open both eyes and see the
dramatic improvement in resolution, contrast, faint star detection and viewing
comfort. All this plus an illusion of depth. Yes, your brain loves two eyed viewing,
even when it is not true stereo. Open your eyes and mind to Bino Vue — Al Nagler
Bino Vue with Flat Coupler and 2x Amplifier.
Filters may be used.
Extension Tube
Extension Coupler