Mediabridge MWN-WAPR300N User Guide User Manual
Page 37

11b mode
:Select it if you have only Wireless-B clients in your network.
11g mode
:Select it if you have only Wireless-G clients in your network.
11b/g mixed mode: Select it if you have only Wireless-B and Wireless-G
clients in your network.
11b/g/n mixed mode: Select it if you have Wireless-B, Wireless-G and
Wireless-N clients in your network. This mode is default is
recommended since b/g/n clients will each connect at their
respective top speeds.
Primary SSID: The unique name of the wireless network which can be modified at
any time.
Secondary SSID (Optional): You may choose to enter a Secondary name of your
network. This SSID can have unique security settings.
AP Isolation: When enabled, devices that connect wirelessly to the Secondary
SSID will be isolated from other devices that wirelessly connect to the Secondary
SSID. AP Isolation is enabled by default.
Broadcast (SSID):
Select “Enable” to enable the router’s SSID to be detected by
wireless devices. The default is enabled. If you disable it, the wireless devices
must know the SSID for communication for it will be hidden.
Channel: The channel currently used by the router. Select an effective channel
(from 1 to 11 or AutoSelect) of the wireless network. The best channel is the least
used channel by your neighbors.
WMM Capable: Enables the router to enhance the transfer performance of the
wirelessly transferred multimedia data (such as video or gaming). We recommend
enabling this option at all times.
APSD Capable: Used for auto power-saved service. The default is disabled.
Channel Bandwidth: Select an appropriate channel bandwidth to enhance the
wireless performance. Select 20/40M when the network has 11b/g and 11n
wireless clients. Select 20M when the network has only non-11n wireless clients.
Select 20/40M to promote its throughput when the wireless network is in 11b/g/n
Extension Channel: This allows devices to connect at n speeds using a 40M
WDS Bridge Mode Settings
WDS (Wireless Distribution System) is used to expand wireless coverage area. This can
only be used with some wireless routers that support WDS and you must have ability to