7 noise amplification – LumaSense Technologies M8100SM-EXP User Manual
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T QUASAR Flare Monitors Operation Manual
Operating the M8100FM-EXP 38
the Pilot flame when the Flare is not present. Complete the procedure below and be sure to
refer to Section 6.2, Considerations: Flare Monitor (FM) at the end of this procedure.
1. Set the Climate Compensation to 100x.
2. Aim the instrument at the target flame (See Figure 10).
3. Adjust the System Gain clockwise until the analog meter remains above 0.95. The green
LED (Flame Detect status) should turn on.
4. Completely cover the Objective Lens. Verify that the meter remains below .35.
5. If steps 2 through 4 above are completed satisfactorily, proceed to “Noise Amplification”
below, if not proceed to step 6.
6. Set the Climate Compensation to the next higher setting (150x or 200x).
7. Adjust the System Gain so that the analog meter remains between 0.95 and 1.0.
8. Completely cover the Objective Lens. Verify that the analog meter remains below .35.
9. If step 5 through 8 above are completed satisfactorily, proceed to “Noise Amplification”
below, if not proceed to step 10.
10. If a .35 to .95 range cannot be reached and Climate compensation is at maximum 200x,
then repeat setup procedure starting at “Initial Control Settings.” If problem persists,
contact the factory for further assistance.
6.1.7 Noise Amplification
Once setup adjustments have been completed, confirm that the flame signal, and not the noise,
is being amplified. Check for noise application.
To check for Noise Amplification:
1. Completely cover the objective lens.
2. Ensure that the red LED activates with the anticipated delay time. If the red LED fails to
activate or there is repeated green-red-green-red “chatter,” then too much noise is
being amplified. In such cases, the following steps should be taken:
a. Keep the Delay set at the present value and adjust the System Gain (Figure 11,
item 4) counterclockwise no more than two complete turns, just until the “chatter”
stops. Be sure to keep track of the number of turns. If the chatter stops, proceed to
step b. if chatter doesn’t stop, proceed to step c.
b. Verify that the analog meter remains above .9 while aiming at the flame. The
procedure is now successfully completed (Proceed to Section 6.1.8, Relay Contacts).
c. Return the System Gain to its original setting.
d. Reduce Climate Compensation by selecting the next lower setting on the Switch.
(i.e. 200x to 150x, 150x to 100x).
Check for noise amplification. If noise amplification has stopped, go to step 4.
ii. If noise continues, return the Climate Compensation switch to its original setting
and proceed to step 5.
3. Verify that the analog meter remains above .9 while aiming at the flame.
4. Verify that the analog meter remains at or below .35 when the objective lens is covered.
If this cannot be accomplished, then:
a. Manually adjust the gain no more than two complete turns to achieve acceptable
meter readings.