Installation declaration, 11 installation declaration – HATZ Diesel 1B 50 User Manual
Page 87
Installation declaration
Extended manufacturer's declaration / Declaration of Incorporation
EC Machinery Directive 98/37/EC or 2006/42/EC*)
The manufacturer: Motorenfabrik Hatz GmbH & Co.KG
Ernst-Hatz-Straße 16
D-94099 Ruhstorf a. d. Rott
hereby declares that the incomplete machine: product description: Hatz diesel engine
Type designation and as of serial number:
1B20=10031; 1B20 NON EPA=30031; 1B20V=11121; 1B20V NON EPA=30121; 1B20R=14410;
1B27=12510; 1B27 NON EPA=30810;
1B30=10125; 1B30 NON EPA=30225; 1B30V=11216; 1B30V NON EPA=30316;
1B40=11014; 1B40 NON EPA=30414; 1B40V=11714; 1B40V NON EPA=30514;
1B50=12411; 1B50 NON EPA=30611; 1B50V=12611; 1B50V NON EPA=30711
satisfies the following basic safety and health protection requirements in acc. with Annex I to the
above-mentioned Directive.
- Annex I, General principles no. 1
- Nr. 1.1.2., 1.1.3., 1.1.5., 1.2.1., 1.2.2., 1.2.3.,,, 1.3.1., 1.3.2., 1.3.3., 1.3.4.,
1.3.7., 1.3.9., 1.4.1., 1.5.1., 1.5.3., 1.5.8., 1.5.9., 1.6.1., 1.6.2., 1.6.4., 1.7.
All relevant basic safety and health protection requirements down to the interfaces described
in the operating manual
in the enclosed data sheets
in the enclosed technical documents
have been complied with.
The special technical documents in acc. with Annex VII B of the Directive 2006/42/EC have been
prepared **).
Conformity with the provisions of the following, other EC Directives, i.e.
- 2004/108/EG Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), dated 15.12.2004
The following standards have been used (completely or partially):
- EN 1679-1: 051998
- EN ISO 12100-1: 042004
- EN ISO 13857: 062008
- EN ISO 14121-1: 122007
- EN ISO 12100-2: 042004
I will submit the above-mentioned specific technical documents electronically to the competent
government authority, if applicable**)
The Operating Manual has been enclosed to the incomplete machine and the Assembly Instructions
have been provided to the customer electronically together with the order confirmation.
Commissioning has been prohibited until it has been established, if applicable, that the machine into
which the above-mentioned incomplete machine is to be incorporated, satisfies the provisions of the
Machinery Directive.
Wolfgang Krautloher / see "Manufacturer"
Name / address of EC documentation officer **)
Krautloher / Directives official
Signature and information on the undersigned
*) The machine satisfies the substantial requirements of both directives
98/37/EC shall apply until 28.12.2009; 2006/42/EC shall apply as of 29.12.2009
**) applies only to the Directive 2006/42/EC
1B20, 1B27, 1B30, 1B40, 1B50
Installation declaration
Operator's Manual 1B20-1B50