Renkus-Heinz IC2-FR User Manual

Page 39

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All Loudspeakers, Array and Group Control

Now it’s time to turn our attention to the All Loud-

speakers icon in the upper left of the work space and

to the Array and Group features of RHAON.

All Loudspeakers controls all the arrays in the system

while Group controls only loudspeakers included in

the Group.

Array controls all the devices (array modules)

included in the array

All Loudspeakers allows you to Mute all the arrays

simultaneously or to turn them all On or Off with the

push of a single button. You can also assign Input

connections, EQ, Delay and Compression settings

for all the loudspeakers in the system at one time or

adjust their sound level with just one control.

Group Control

Group Control functions in the same manner only it

exerts control only over the devices included in the

Group. To add a Group, select Add Group to add a

Group folder to the directory tree and a Group icon

to the work space. Then drag the Arrays you want

included in the Group from their listing in the direc-

tory tree into the Group folder.

Notice that as you add loudspeakers to the Group

their icons disappear from the work space into the

Group icon. To view all the loudspeaker icons within

the group, click on the Expand/Collapse toggle in

the lower right corner of the Group icon. The icons

for the arrays included in the Group are linked to the

Group icon and cannot be individually moved around

the work space.

All Loudspeakers Icon



Users Manual



Add Group

Add Array

Array Control

Array Control is is intended for use only with IC-R-II array modules and other similar digitally steerable array modules set up for master-to-

master operation. It provides a means of controlling these arrays just as Group Control controls all loudspeakers within the group.

An Array folder when created will accept only like Iconyx IC-R arrays, IC Live and IC


array modules. It will reject CF, SG, PN, SR and Varia

Loudspeakers and subwoofers. It also will not allow you to mix IC-R, IC Live and IC


array modules in the same array and limits the size of

the array to the same number of modules allowed in master-to-slave operation.

Array Control functions in much the same manner as Group Control only it is limited to (array modules mentioned in the previous paragraph..

To add an Array, select Add Array to add an Array folder to the directory tree and an Array icon to the work space. Then drag the array mod-

ules you want included in the Array from their listing in the directory tree into the Array folder.

Notice that when you select the icon for one of the array modules, it opens in the Supervisory mode to make it easier for you to check out the

individual modules. You will also find that in the individual modules Connect and Control modes only the Wink and Mute features are active.