Explanaton – Yokogawa µR10000 User Manual
Page 197

IM 04P01B01-01E
9.6 Specfyng the Tmer Used n Statstcal Calculatons (TLOG)
Tmer No.
There are three timers.
Periodic: The timer for determining the periodic printout interval. The computed result
is printed every interval, and the computed TLOG value is reset.
1: The timer of timer No. 1. Specify whether the computed value is printed every
interval and whether to reset the computed value.
2: The timer of timer No. 2. Specify whether the computed value is printed every
interval and whether to reset the computed value.
• Tmer operaton
The table below shows how each timer operates.
Tmer #
1 and 2*
TLOG computation
Target channel
Measurement and
computation channels
Computation channels
Timer mode**
Absolute time mode
Absolute or relative time mode
Reset computed TLOG value
Yes/No selectable
Print when computation stops
* For the timer 1 and 2 settings, see section 9.12.
** Absolute time mode: Keeps time from the reference time.
Relative time mode:
Starts the time in sync with the starting of the computation.
SUM scale
Set the sum scale when using statistical calculation (TLOG.SUM).
For the definition of the term “sum scale,” see page 7-14.
Off: Simply sums the computed values.
/s: Sums by converting the computed values to a value over 1 second.
/min: Sums by converting the computed values to a value over 1 minute.
/h: Sums by converting the computed values to a value over 1 hour.
/day: Sums by converting the computed values to a value over 1 day.
Setting Timer 1 and Timer 2: Section 9.12