Thermocouple input procedure, Rtd input procedure – Watlow Series 96 Calibration Manual, 1/16 DIN Temperature Controller User Manual

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C a l i b r a t i o n

Wa t l o w S e r i e s 9 6

Thermocouple Input Procedure


Type J reference compensator with reference junction at 32°F/0°C, or type J
thermocouple calibrator to 32°F/0°C.

Precision millivolt source, 0 to 50mV minimum range, 0.002mV resolution.

Input 1 Setup and Calibration


Connect the correct power supply to terminals 8 and 9 (see Series 96 User’s Manual).


Connect the millivolt source to terminals 6 (-) and 7 (+) with copper wire.


Enter 50.000mV from the millivolt source. Allow at least 10 seconds to stabilize. Set
Thermocouple Calibration, 50mV [tc50] (Calibration 1 Menu) to [`yES]. Press the
Advance Key ‰ to store 50.000mV input and move to the next prompt.


Enter 0.000mV from the millivolt source. Allow at least 10 seconds to stabilize. Set
Thermocouple Calibration, 0mV [tc00] (Calibration 1 Menu) to [`yES]. Press the
Advance Key ‰ to store 0.000mV input and move to the next prompt.


Disconnect the millivolt source and connect the reference compensator or thermocouple
calibrator to terminals 6 (-) and 7 (+). With type J thermocouple wire, if using a
compensator, turn it on and short the input wires. When using a type J calibrator, set it
to simulate 32°F/0°C. Allow 10 seconds for the controller to stabilize. Set Thermocouple
Calibration, 32° [tc32] (Calibration 1 Menu) to [`yES]. Press the Advance Key ‰ to
store type J thermocouple calibration and move to the next prompt.


Rewire for operation and verify calibration.

RTD Input Procedure

Equipment Required


decade box with 0.01


Input 1 Setup and Calibration


Connect the correct power supply to terminals 8 and 9 (see Series 96 User’s Manual).


Short terminals 5, 6 and 7 together with less than 0.1

. Set Ground [`gnd]

(Calibration 1 Menu) to [`yES]. Press the Advance Key ‰ to store ground input and
move to the next prompt.


Short terminals 5 and 7 together with less than 0.5

. Set Lead Resistance Calibration

[LEAd] (Calibration 1 Menu) to [`yES]. Press the Advance Key ‰ to store the lead
resistance and move to the next prompt.


Connect the decade box to terminals 5 (S2), 6 (S3) and 7 (S1), with 20- to 24-gauge wire.

5. Enter


from the decade box. Allow at least 10 seconds to stabilize. Set RTD

Calibration, 15

[r`15] (Calibration 1 Menu) to [`yES]. Press the Advance Key ‰ to

store the 15.00

input and move to the next prompt.


Enter 380.00

from the decade box. Allow at least 10 seconds to stabilize. Set RTD

Calibration, 380

[r380] (Calibration 1 Menu) to [`yES]. Press the Advance Key ‰ to

store the 380.00

input and move to the next prompt.


Rewire for operation and verify calibration.